Chapter 13

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"Stay where you are and put your hands up!" the cop yells just as me and Liam are about to find new shelter to hide in.

"Justina!" Liam whisper yells to me, "on the count of three run to your right out from behind the pole and I'll run to my left then right before we reach the cop criss cross with me to the opposite direction. Okay?"

"Okay," I whisper back excitement bubbling through my veins.

"1...2...3..." Liam says and then we both run in opposite directions out from our hiding spots.

We both run. I see little flashes of Liam from the small gaps of the support beams that he runs past. When I finally lose sight of him I know I'm getting close to the end. I keep running straight ahead seeing the cop staring at Liam oblivious that I'm here too. Liam catches sight of me an nods his head. I nod my head in response and start to go diagonal towards the cop picking up speed. Just before I get to the cop I turn my body and start to go horizontal at the same time as Liam. "We did it!" I whisper to myself.

I slow down slightly to see if I hear Liam to know what to do next. Instead of Liam I hear the cop running after me telling me to stop. I start laughing with a huge grin on my face and pick up my pace once again going around every object I could to get him off my tail. This is definitely where cross country pays off. All 3.1 miles that is. After going around so many support beams and signs and rides I slow down again and I no longer hear the cop behind me. When I look up though I see the cop right in front of me about 2 feet away.

"Got ya!" He yells before he lunges towards me.

"Oh no you don't," I say before I start running backwards then whipping my body around and start to run back towards where I originally came from.

"J!" I hear someone shout.

"Cole?" I ask even though I wonder why he would be here but he's the only one that calls me that.

"No the other twin!"

"Oh. Duh! What up L!" I yell back deciding that we should stick with initials and not our real names.

"Where's the cop?"

"With me!" I yell back fully aware of the loud footsteps following me.

"Go back to our hiding spot but don't stop running!"

"Okay!" I yell before I change directions and turn right to go back to where we hid.

"Stop running! You're only making this worse for yourself!" the cop yells behind me slightly panting.

I grin to myself but don't stop running. This is the most fun I've ever had. I can feel the adrenaline running through my body pushing me forward, willing me not to stop.

I finally get to our spot but I don't see Liam anywhere. I keep running but slow down once again.

"L!" I yell.

"Coming J! I need 10 seconds!"

How am I going to keep running around without passing the spot? I think to myself but just as you see in those movies the lightbulb turns on above my head and a mischievous smile blossoms on my face. I stop running completely. I see the cop coming towards me. Just as he is about to grab me I run the opposite way so he now has to turn around and follow me. 10...9...8...7... I count in my head. 6...5... and then I turn back around. 4...3... the cop is now passing me 2... he is about to grab hold of my wrist 1...

"Hey copper! Over here!" Liam yells as he runs in between me and the cop. The cop looks at me and Liam but when he turns back to me I am already running away while Liam is just standing there.

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