Chapter 26

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It's the day of the function with Blake. I went to my house yesterday to get clothes and my other necessities that are not at the twin's house. When I walked in no one was home thankfully. I guess my sister is out with friends and my parents must be at work. The usual. I grabbed a black sweetheart dress. It had a tight bodice and waist then flowed out ending before my knees. When I went back to the twins' house my dirty blonde hair was done in loose curls and I had a gold smoky eye shadow and bold eyeliner wing with red lipstick. I didn't even recognize myself. I never looked this good. My black heels were adding at least two inches to my height but the only downfall was the pain I would feel later and barely being able to walk in the death traps.

After I finish getting ready I still have fifteen minutes until Blake will show up. I walk around the house rehearsing what I will say. Me and Blake met when he saw me in an alley getting roughed up by some guys and he saved me. When he brought me back they decided to let me join and I was forever grateful that Blake saved me and then it blossomed into something more and here we are now. I kind of hoped nobody would believe the damsel in distress story. Sexist. That's exactly what it is. There was no alley and if I remember correctly I was chosen or picked to be a part of the gang because Jasper fancied me. I don't know why we can't just tell that story. Oh wait I do. It would ruin Jasper's street credit and he would seem less intimidating. Pathetic. If any of these people actually knew who I was they would know first off I'm no damsel. Second off I didn't ask for this. Third off I'm not into commitment so me dating Blake is the biggest joke. The only reason I said yes to Liam was because he offered me safety. Blake on the other hand had nothing to offer me.

I must have completely zoned into my thoughts because I jump when the doorbell goes off and a full ten minutes had passed. I spend the first five getting my phone and other necessities into my black clutch. I guess you could say that I was decked out in black tonight. It was my second favorite color after all. Purple being my first, obviously. I open the door and Blake is standing there in all black as well. Lucky guess, I think.

Justina opens the door and for a moment I'm shocked. I can't take my eyes off of her. Is this seriously the same girl? It can't be. The girl in front of me looks determined, brave and dangerous. I notice that she is all dressed in black. Of course I already knew that because I asked Cole last night what she was wearing and he told me. I was planning on still wearing the same black suit but with a red under shirt and handkerchief. Who knew she was so into black? So now I'm in an all black suit with a black undershirt and a black handkerchief to match. You can say we are all decked out in black. Our shoes are both black and even her clutch is black. The only pop of color between us is the slight gold on Justina's eyelids, and her blood red lips.

"Ready to go?" Justina asks breaking me out of my trance while tapping her foot against the wood. Did I forget confident? She seems ready to take on the world, but without this act she would have stuttered from me staring at her for so long but her lips are slightly quirked up into a smirk instead.

"Yes. Let's go we can't be late," I say as I turn around to go into the car. She doesn't let me in the house. I wonder why. It's beautiful. Although my house looks similar her's just seems homelier. If I lived here I would never leave.

"Your favorite color is blue. You want to attend college for business but you don't know which one. After your studies you will take over Jasper's organization. You play football and run track. You box for fun, and train in your spare time. You found me in an alley and saved me," she says with disgust and repulsion, "then you took me back to Jasper who welcomed me into the gang and taught me how to defend myself. After that I was grateful to you and after spending more time with you I started to have feelings for you and now here we are. My hero."

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