Chapter 3

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How I meet him:

I am walking down the hallway of my confusing school and being me of course I would walk into the wall and bounce of off it falling on the floor. When I put my hands behind me the floor felt squishy, so I started feeling around then ducked my head towards my body then looked back. What I see is a tall, muscular boy with golden tan skin, dark brownish black hair with crystal blue eyes staring at me. If looks could kill I would not be breathing right now. He just keeps staring at me so I clear my throat and push my body which was still on the floor away from him before I got up.

"I- uh- I'm sorry. I get really clumsy sometimes. Stupid wall." I say. He stands there as if I hadn't said a word. "Ok then. I guess I'll be going now. Sorry again." When I still don't get a response I stard to slowly back away steering clear of the wall this time. When I finally turn around I can still feel his glare burning holes through the back of my head. I probably would've asked him what his problem was if I wasn't already late to my next horrendously, boring class.

Finally it is lunch. I go downstairs to go drop off some papers to the office since I don't eat when again I see the same kid down on the other end of the hallway. I quickly turn my head around and speed walk to the office. After I hand in the papers I go back to my class. Only to find the kid in my classroom.

"Well hello again," he says with a smirk.

"H-hello," I reply back going to my desk to eat my granola bar that I pack for myself once in a blue moon. He continues standing there talking to my teacher for the rest of lunch and every so often I catch him sneaking glances at me. So when the bell rings that lunch is over I let out a sigh of relief. But he doesn't leave. Instead he takes the seat directly behind me.

"Class we have a new student today and I want you all to make him feel welcome. Liam would you like to add anything?" Our teacher Mrs. D says to us.

"Well I'm a sophomore, 16 years old and just moved here. Oh and I love people who try to start a conversation when there is not one to be started." He lets out a little chuckle and stares right at me when he said his last sentence.

"Thank you Liam. Please take your seat now."

The class goes on as normal as always. The same old boring topic and lessons. So when the bell that signals the end of this period shrills I nearly jump out of my seat and run to my last class of the day. It was another boring one and nothing special happened well unless you call me having to walk Liam to his classroom because he somehow got lost and ended up here. My luck of course.

When the final bell of the day rings I run out of the class and into the busy hallway bumping into people as I pass them to get to my locker. After I finish there I go and have my cross country practice then begin to walk home. By myself, since my sister decided she didn't want to go to practice today. When I begin to near the end of the schools driveway a car beeps it's horn and I nearly jump a foot into the air and whipd my body around to see who it was. Turns out it was none other than Liam.

"Clutz!" He screams out the window.

And what I do next I'm not proud of but I did it anyway. I basically flipped him off. No big deal, or so I thought. I don't even think he saw me but he did because right after he backs up his car right next to me with his famous glare.

"What did you just do?" He asks through gritted teeth.

"Who me?" I asks dumbly. But considering I was the only one around I think I had a pretty good guess that he was indeed talking to me.

"Yes. You. Who else?" He replies even angrier than before.

"No your not." I replied harshly with a slight joking tone to my voice before I continued to the end of the driveway. Once I am about to cross the street, I practically walks into Liam's 1969 blue and white Camaro SS convertible. It was a beautiful car but a waste on who was driving it honestly. Even though I've only known this guy for one day I already don't like him and I think the feeling was mutual.

"Move" I say sternly.

"No" he replies with a grin.

"Fine. Then your going to just have to drive me home then." I don't know why I said that or where the sudden boost of confidence came from but with that I get into the passenger seat of his car and tell him to turn left. Of course, he continues straight which was going right and the opposite way of my house. Now that I was thinking about it this probably isn't the best idea I've had all year.

"Where are we going?" I ask more curious then concerned.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."

For the rest of the car ride I don't say anything but when we pull onto the highway highway and he pulls over to open the convertible top I look around at my surroundings. It looks like we were in the middle of nowhere with barely any cars on the streets but I don't feel scared. I feel excited. The top is finally down and he pulls away from the side of the road spinning his tires creating smoke and tire marks on the road where we peeled out. And before I know it I was screaming my head off my hands in the air going at least 100 mph down the long straight road. Again I don't feel scared but free. I have not a care in the world and it feels as if I am leaving all of my worries and problems and issues behind. We must of drove around for another 20 minutes before the car came to a stop in front of deep woods. He gets out of the car and waves his hand for me to follow him. At first I don't follow but then the adventure and excitement take over and I find myself running towards him and then taking large steps to keep up with his long strides. As we walk further into the woods there is less and less sunlight to be seen through the thick, tall trees.

Liam finally comes to a stop resulting in me almost walking into the back of him. Mentally thanking myself for stopping when I did considering I could smell his cologne and mint scent from how close I was to him. I take a step on the side of him and freeze. What I see is absolutely beautiful. There is this lake that is wide and seems to stretch on forever and the sun has come out of the non existent part of the woods on to the lake making it glisten as each mild wave moved. There is also a patch of green with small purple flowers growing that surrounded the lake. I just want to stay here forever. But my fascination was cut short when Liam elbows me and told me to "move it". So again I follow him barely keeping my eyes off of the free, flowing water.

When we stop walking we are at this weeping willow tree that provides shade as well as an even better view of the water. I can't believe what I am seeing. How did I live here since I was 2 and not know about this place but a kid who just moved here knew practically everything about it?

"Don't fall into the lake but follow me," Liam says.

"I'm obviously not going to fall into the la-." Turns out he was right and I fell into the lake. There is this loud splash and I can't help but laugh at how this all played out. I was so confident and about to tell him off and then I do exactly what he expected me to.

"Your not what?" He asks with humor laced in his voice.

"Shut up" I reply taking off my extra shirt and redoing my hair back up into the messy bun it was in when we first came here.

We walk for another 100 feet before I see this little cabin that looks abandoned. This place is getting better and better. I run up to it and start walking around it looking through the windows and it truly is abandoned because it seems like there was no life in it for a long time. Then Liam ushers me inside when my suspicions are once again proven since there was dust and cobwebs everywhere. Again he knew this place like the back of his hand. He finds his way around the small kitchen that is to the right of the door then to a dining room that is attached to the kitchen. Then to the living room which is left of the door. Finally he makes his way to the stairs looking back to already find me following him. Once we get up there, there are 4 doors down the hallway. Two on each side but one is slightly open compared to all the rest which are shut. I walk straight ahead to that room only to have Liam stop me when I am about to push the door open. He seems like he exhales a sigh of relief almost, not that I can figure out why. He doesn't even live here so why would it matter what room I go in? Especially that one. We stay in the house for a while until Liam says that it was time to go and I follow him all the way back to his car passing the gorgeous lake and weeping willow tree once again. When we climb into the car he drives me home without needed any directions like he already knew where I lived. But how? He just moved here but it's like he had lived here all his life.

"Thank you for today it was actually kind of fun and thrilling," I say. When I receive no response I turn around and at that same second he is already speeding down the road.

Written: 9/26/17
Posted: 10/11/17

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