Chapter 36

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So far this year has been quite boring. Besides my first jobs, Valentines' Day, and the Twins' birthday nothing has happened. Literally nothing. Ryan hasn't tried anything. Not that I am complaining but it's just odd how he barely even looks at me. It has gotten so much better that I told Cole he could stop coming with me, much to his dismay. This may sound stupid and ridiculous, but it was my way of being stubborn and returning to how I used to be before they showed up. Independent. Since they came I have been depending on them with my safety and to always be there with me, but I don't want that. I love how they always want to help me but unfortunately they are not going to be here forever.

After another boring month it's April 14th, also known as Ava's fifth birthday. All throughout this month we have been planning. By we I mean, the twins, Sarah and I. Now that the day is finally here we are all running around like chickens without heads. Since we are having it in the backyard we set everything up with the princesses and pink and purple decorations.

"Put that by the bouncy house in the corner," I tell the workers helping us arrange the party.

Any minute the kids will be arriving, but we are still not ready. As soon as I look at my watch again I duck my head and run back inside to where Ava is since I am supposed to help her get ready. I start to rush up the stairs but bump into someone. As soon as I start to fall down two arms encircle my waist.

"Klutz," Cole says laughing.

"Oblivious," I retort back.


"You were oblivious because I was obviously running up the steps. How did you not see me?"

"What if I did see you?"

"Then why- You know what I don't have time for this I have to help Ava. I will deal with you later," I reply pointing my finger at him before making it up the last remaining steps.

If he saw me why would he purposely run into me? I shake my head dismissing my thoughts and go into Ava's room where she is sitting in front of her pink vanity.

"Bestie!" she yells running up to me, but stops before pointing her finger at me, "You're late."

"Sorry Cutie. But I'm here now so let's get you ready."

For the next thirty minutes I curl her thin hair, help her into her pink dress and give her a little lip gloss. Once she slips on her ballet flats the door bells rings making her squeal and run out the door.

I chase her out of her room and try to make it to her before she can open the front door.


I crash once again into someone. I quickly gather myself and stand up ready to apologize to whoever I just ran into.

"I'm sorry. I didn't even see you there."

"It's alright Supergirl."

I finally lift my head up from where I was looking at the floor in embarrassment.

"Superman!" I yell and jump into his arms.

This may seem dramatic but for the past few weeks I have been training with Jasper since Blake was apparently on a business trip checking other branches of the Reds.

When he puts me back on my feet I kneel down and ruffle Caleb's hair.

"Hey kiddo."

"I'm not a kid," he grumbles.

"Right. I forgot your a big boy," I tease.

He huffs before going back to his conversation with Ava which reminds me.

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