Chapter 15

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I woke up feeling something draped around my stomach. I immediately turn over to find Cole sleeping next to me. Instead of screaming I lay there confused on how I got here. All I remember is being in the car at the warehouse with him after he made Ryan stop training with me.

I start tapping on his shoulder lightly at first to find out exactly what happened the night before. He turns away from me bringing me on top of him since his arm was still wrapped around me and I can't get out of his steel like hold. I start poking his cheek and he tries to sink further into the bed so I did the next best thing and take strands of my hair and tickle his face. He slaps my hand away and I laugh even louder realizing that this was going to be fun. I tickle his face again but when I try to sit up he pulls me closer so now I'm flush on him.

"Cole," I whisper in his ear and poke his cheek again, "Cole... Come on sleeping beauty, wake up there is a very confused girl laying on you right now."

He immediately jumps up and I go flying off the bed landing on my tailbone once again this week. "Ow!" I yell, "what was that for Cole?!"

"Huh?" Cole says going to look over the side of the bed. When he sees me he ducks his head and gives me a sheepish grin, "sorry J."

"Whatever just help me up," I say sticking out my hand for him to take, "Now can you explain to me why it feels like I got hit by a truck and how I ended up here?"

"Oh yes right. Well once we got in the car you fell asleep immediately although I'm not shocked since Ryan decided to use you as a personal punching bag yesterday."

At that exact moment the memories of the night before come rushing back and I ball my hands into fists to stop from screaming out loud in frustration and anger.

"Why didn't you let me help you?" he asks genuine curiosity in his words.

"You won't always be there to protect me. I need to piss off Ryan as little as possible so next time when you're not around he won't train me so hard. But back to the topic at hand, how did I end up here?"

"I'll always be here to protect you J and after you fell asleep I was going to take you home but I had two minor problems with that." he said scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"And those problems would happen to be..."

"Well for one I couldn't find your house key, and two you were attached to my shirt and your grip was kind of hard to break. You were like holding me like your life depended on it so I brought you here and when I tried to sleep on the couch and detach your body from mine you held on tighter," a smirk grows on his face as he talks and I roll my eyes, "Are you okay, J? I want a serious, and honest answer."

  "Yes I am fine. I guess you were my teddy bear last night that's all."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yes. Now let's go before we are late to school."

  "Um J?"

  "Yes Cole?"

  "You might want to skip today."

  "And why is that?"


  "Spit it out Cole," I snap slightly irritated at him beating around the bush.

  "You don't have clothes for one and when you said that you felt like you got hit by a truck well you kind of look like it too."

  I immediately try to run but that proved ineffective since my body was screaming at me so I walk to the bathroom and when I looked in the mirror I scream.

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