Chapter 28

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It's been two weeks since Blake showed up at the twins' house. I can tell he still had suspicions but luckily he didn't pursue them. As it was we barely got away last time. Two minutes after Blake pulled out, Liam pulled in with Ava. It was definitely a close call.

The crisp November air is nipping at my skin through my wool knit sweater and skinny jeans. The Christmas songs have started even though it's only the third week in November and Christmas trees are popping up everywhere. The one thing I hated about this holiday was having to go home. I want to stay with Liam and his family but I am forced to go to Christmas Eve dinner every year in New York to meet my other relatives who were much more welcoming than my own immediate family.

It's two days until Thanksgiving and it's the day that Cole told me that he would teach me to cook better since I was still very limited in that department. Liam offered but Cole turned him down before I could claiming that he cooked once and gave the turkey a second death by burning it beyond recognition with the help of the oven.

We have no school this week which is a relief but I still have training. Training with Blake is becoming easier since I was finding his weakness points and learning his techniques. One thing I wished was different was the silence. We never say a word to each other except when we were on missions which were increasing recently. How many allies can one gang possibly need? Training with Ryan was a different story. He was always changing how he attacked me but one thing that was a constant was Cole being there and the ice packs that I would need afterwards. I was getting better but it was as if Ryan was predicting every move I made. I even changed which foot I start off with and which hand I will strike with. I didn't know how to trick him or what his weaknesses were, but I was determined to find them.

During these last few weeks me and Liam also became closer. We went on two dates that he planned and they were not the cliché movie and dinner but rather exciting. One date we went on was at a paintball park that he rented out but instead of guns that hurt we had balloons filled with colored paint. Overall it was a very colorful date. The second one was a cold one since we jumped off a cliff by the woods we went to when I first met him. When we got out we were both shivering but of course I went again and again until the sun went down as did the temperature. The car's heater had a run for its money throughout that car ride.

I'm also closer to Cole. I even told him a little information about how my family was and why I didn't go there to see any of them often. The one good thing I learned about Cole that day was he was a great listener and a good comforter.

Where Ava was concerned I was her older sister now more than ever. We were constantly together. We had more sleepovers then I could count. These sleepovers included watching girly movies and, of course, braiding each others hair and painting our nails. Caleb had been coming over more much to Cole's dismay but the kid was so sweet. He even brought a flower over for Ava one day. It was so adorable. I also kept my promise to Cole by supervising their play dates or as we call it in front of Cole their hang out days.

As of right now I'm walking through town looking at all the windows of the shops to find a good Thanksgiving outfit with Ava by my side. She is the final say if I will get it or not. Much to my surprise she wanted to match so we stopped in the last store of the day. As soon as we walk in she runs to the dress section. After trying on at least ten dresses we settled on brown dresses with lace sleeves up to our elbows and a tutu bottom. The dresses are identical, even the knee length. She is so excited when we pick up the dresses she even plans for us both to curl our hair and while I will be wearing makeup she will wear a little lip gloss. This is the closest I have ever been to having a sister and while I wish me and my sister would have this relationship Ava is the cutest thing ever and I could not be any happier.

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