Chapter 22

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Wednesday. The day I have to go back to the hospital to see how I'm healing. The rest of last week went by smoothly. Well almost. Ryan was still suspicious about Blake but I dodged most of his questions by skipping class. When I went back to Jasper on Monday I signed the final details about my job and instead of training I spent the time with Jasper getting to know him, the responsibilities about the job, and the possible people I would see there. I forgot about that little detail as I took the job. Luckily Jasper solved that problem by telling me that Mr. Night does not usually attend the meetings and functions. During school the boys were extra protective of me and made sure that Ryan was never alone with me, except for last period but they made sure I was out of there in less than ten minutes.

After school is over Cole skips practice, since I still had off until I was healed, and takes me back to the hospital. I told him I can wait until he's done with his practice but he argued with me for ten minutes until I sighed in defeat and got into his car.

We walk into the hospital a few minutes later and go straight to the nurses' station.

"Excuse me," I say to the nurse with pink scrubs glaring at the computer screen.

"How can I help you today ma'am," she says sounding as if she wanted to be anywhere but here.

"I have an appointment with Dr. Ross," I say.

"Have a seat and we will call you up shortly," she replies and goes back to glaring at the computer.

I walk over to the busy waiting room and take a seat in one of the only chairs left. Cole's standing next to me.

"Do you want to sit?"

"No I'm good."

"Okay. If you say so but don't start complaining if you're still standing there a half an hour from now."

"Get up," Cole says holding his hand out.

"That's what I thought."

He takes the seat and then takes my waist and pulls me down onto his lap.

"See now we are both sitting," I say, smiling in triumph.


We are sitting in the waiting room thirty minutes later talking about non-sense when the nurse finally calls my name. I stand up and start following her into a room with Cole following behind me.

"The doctor should be in here shortly," the nurse informs us before walking out of the room.

"Thank you," I say as the door shuts.

We again are sitting in a room, waiting.

"Oh my god! How hard is it just to get a check up! This should not be taking this long!" Cole yells frustrated, getting impatient.

"Calm down, they will be here soon. Here play a game," I say giving Cole my unlocked phone like a mother would give to her children to keep them occupied.

He's sitting in a chair and I'm looking at the posters in the room when we hear a knock on the door.

"Come in," I call.

"Hello Mrs. Night. How are you feeling?" The doctor asks walking in the door. I had no idea how he remembered me, but he did.

"I'm feeling better. I can move my leg more and it doesn't feel as tight."

"Okay that's good. Let's have a look shall we?"

He pulls off the bandage and I can't help but gasp at my leg before me. There's a knife length scar that was a pink and the stitches only made it look worse.

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