Chapter 8

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The next morning as soon as I open my sleep filled eyes my bright screen of my phone made me squint. When my eyes finally adjust I can't help but smile at the bright phone screen.

LIAM: "Good morning, Love."

I text him a quick good morning back and start to get ready for the day. As usual I'm late for my bus and have to run to my stop to actually catch it. I should wake up 5 minutes earlier but I refuse to wake up more than 20 minutes before I have to catch my bus. Once I get on I always go on my phone and read Wattpad for the short 2 minute ride. This time however instead of going on Wattpad I saw this:

UNKNOWN: Hello Darling, meet me at your school at 5:30 to further discuss the details of our arrangements.

ME: Ok, Mr. Night. See you at 5:30.

After I send the text I go to my sister's locker like I do every morning. Then I go to my locker. The only difference today was that when I went up to my locker, Liam was there with all his leather jacket and slick hair glory.

   "Morning Princess," He says as he kisses my lips.

   "Morning, Night," I say as he put his hand over his chest with mock hurt.

   "That's all I get?"

   "Oh I'm sorry. Good morning babe. How's your morning been so far?"

   "That's much better, Love. My morning has been good and it is even better now that I'm here with my fian-"

   "Shh! We are not telling anybody remember?" I say as I put my hand over his mouth. To my surprise he actually licks my hand, "Liam!" I say wiping my hand on my pants as he just sits there, laughing.

   "But you still have the ring on." He says accusingly.

   "And I'm not planning on taking it off," I say as I start to walk away to go to my home room that I share with Cole.

   "Good I like it better on your finger. See you later, Princess." He says as he kisses my cheek and continues to stroll down the near empty hallway.

   The class goes by fast and to my surprise Cole just nods at me. I guess Liam had filled him in on everything that was going on. I know that he was still mad about my being a part of the Reds but then why isn't he mad about me being a part of the Blacknights?

   "Hey Cole," I say as soon as the bell rang.

   "Hey J. Nice ring," he says back as we exit the class together.

   "Thanks. So I supposed Liam filled you in on the Blacknights, the tattoo and obviously the ring."

   "The Blacknights?! What about them?"

   "Liam didn't tell you that I am now a member and I have a tattoo to show it," I say as I go to a secluded part of the hallway without cameras and pulled my shirt up and the dressing half way off to show him.

"Are you kidding me?! Justina what were you thinking! These people aren't good! This isn't good!Wait... isn't that the same tattoo as Ryan?"

"Yes. It is but me and Liam figured out a way to handle it for now," I say gesturing to my ring.

"Ryan can't know that you're engaged to Liam. That will spoil this whole plan."

   "I'm not going to tell him but I'm going to keep this ring on, just so he knows that I am 'taken' already."

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