Chapter 25

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Yesterday at training went well. The meeting with Jasper on the other hand didn't go as smoothly. There is a function tomorrow during school and I have to attend, but not with him, I will be going with Blake and act like we are very good friends. If we achieve this we will get an alliance which would increase the power the Reds will have. Now you may be wondering what's so bad about that? Well me and Blake both being absent would only add to Ryan's suspicions and I don't know Blake that well so if they ask more than a basic question I'm pretty much screwed. The worst part of this is that if I mess up there will be not so pleasant consequences that I don't know about nor want to. Jasper's words not mine to make sure I did everything right.

Thankfully it's the end of the day and I can finally go back to cross country. Don't get me wrong I don't enjoy running but I don't hate it either. The only reason I do it is to stay in shape and because it looks good for college. Not for any other reason.

I'm now waiting for Cole so I can go to train with Ryan. Cross country ended twenty minutes ago and I was already changed and ready to go. Whoever said that girls take forever to get ready made an overall judgement about every girl and let me tell you that they were wrong. It takes me fifteen minutes in the morning to get ready.

"Ready to go J?"

"Ready as I'll ever be!" I say, faking enthusiasm.

"Let's just get this over with, yeah?" Cole says as the car pulls up.

The car ride is filled with laughter as Cole is telling me bad pick up lines or jokes. I can't figure out if I was laughing at him or his jokes anymore but either way I'm happy and he is laughing too so did it really matter? We only stop laughing when we walk into the training room to see an annoyed Ryan standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. I looked at Cole one more time who shrugs his shoulders then I go into the attached room where I change quickly and throw my hair up into a ponytail.

Justina walks into the training room and I sit right outside of the mat on my phone. I look up when I hear Ryan laughing. I was going to ask him what was so funny but decide against it and go back to my phone, but when he starts laughing again I can't take it anymore, and my curiosity wins.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing. It's just funny how naive Justina is sometimes. I mean she comes here every day thinking that at the end she will make it out unscathed, but she won't. You see I have all the cards."

I jump out of my seat and run onto the mat. I grab him by the collar and lift him off of the ground. "Listen here and listen well. If you think I'll let you hurt Justina that bad you're out of her mind. You are just an angry training buddy that she's stuck seeing."

"You forgot something," Ryan says.

"What?" I snap.

"You forgot that at the end of this all she will be mine and we will rule your father's gang together. But the only downside is that I don't actually want her. I just want what comes with her. She obviously has strength and speed so that must be good for something and if I get into a little bit of trouble I'll use her to bail me out. The sick thing is, is that when that time comes none of you will be able to save her. She will be under my con-" I stop Ryan from talking further by letting his feet touch the ground and punching him in the face hearing a satisfying crack of his nose. It's definitely broken. That brings a sinister smile to my face.

"But you forgot something. If you think I'll ever leave her alone with you then your dead wrong," I say walking off the mat.

"How are you going to do that? You can't watch over her every second of the day and when the time is right I'll strike as simple as that so I would use your time wisely with her and cherish it."

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