Chapter 14

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It's been three days since my date with Liam meaning it was the dreaded day, Monday. I'm in my third period class counting down the minutes until I could leave. Ryan was still not in school, but I most definitely was not complaining actually I was thanking everyone for the luck I was having.

When the bell finally rings for last period I jump out of my seat and practically run out of the door like I did every other day. I meet up with the twins who were talking about football since they were both on the team. I stare up at them without listening to what they were saying because honestly I'm so lucky to have them. Before them I hung out with my sister and her friend because I'm anti social and suck when it comes to friends and feelings. Also smiling when the topic is serious or sad might be another problem but oh well. Here's how I look at things I have two years and around eight months left and I'm out of here. I'm just here to graduate, hopefully get a scholarship then go to college. I'm not here to make friends or find my high school sweetheart that's for books and movies that need a slight reality check since high school love does not always last forever. I'm pessimistic I know, but I don't care anymore. Last year I cared about what people thought and tried to change to be more appealing or friend worthy but since the boys came my caring attitude went out the window, into the gutter and I can't find it which feels great.

We open the stair doors and I have a big smile on my face just thinking about how this year is going to go and how much happier I am with them in my life.

"Justina... Justina!"

"Hm..." I hum still a little distracted.

"That's it we've lost her. Time for plan b."

"Ah! Put me down!" I yell hitting Liam's back since I'm slung over his shoulder and let me tell you it's not as comfortable as it may seem.

"Finally!" Cole cheers who was standing behind me, "you know that we have been trying to talk to you for the past two minutes and this was a last resort. You really shouldn't get caught up in your own thoughts so much J."

"Yes. I know less thinking, more talking," I say sarcasm dripping with every word.

"Come on, Princess. We are just trying to have a conversation."

"Put me down and we can talk."


"Ow! What was that for Liam?!" I yell rubbing my tailbone which abruptly hit the floor when Liam dropped me.

"What? I put you down just like you said." He says looking at me with innocence.

"Whatever. What did you guys want to talk about?"

"This weekend there is a party and I know it's Monday but I was thinking we could go shopping some time this week except for Friday since that's when the party is," Cole proposes.

"Wow. Never thought I would see the day that a boy wants to go shopping voluntarily," I say laughing.

"Shut up. I need something to wear if I want to impress the ladies," he wiggled his eyebrows at the last word.

"You girls can go since I hate shopping. Oh and pick me out a nice dress what do you think red or black?" I said.

"No. I went shopping for you last time now it's your turn. Your coming no if and or buts." Liam says.

"But mom," I whined.

"No. We will pick you up tomorrow at eight."

"Whatever," I shrugged, "See you guys after class," I said walking into my hell class.

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