Chapter 38

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Five days. One hundred and twenty hours. Seven thousand and two hundred minutes. Four hundred and thirty two thousand seconds. That's how long I have been trapped here for. There is not one spot of skin that isn't black, blue and red. Not one stitch of pride and dignity left. Not one body part not cut. Not one interruption. Not one hour of sleep. Not one meal or drink. Not one act of kindness. Not one sight of my savior, if I even have any. Not one moment alone. Not one answer, but loads of questions. Not one tear. There has been beatings, whippings, struggles, screams, pleas, hope, and disappointment. The disappointment I feel every time I have to look at one of there faces, and smiles, hear there laughs, and mockery, knowing I'm still stuck here and that this is not a dream is worse than any form of torture they could give me. I blame it on the hope I still have. Why? I still imagine that the twins will walk in at any second and save me from this nightmare that is my reality. This is why I need to be independent. If I was then I would have already lost hope and I wouldn't face such disappointment, but I don't regret meeting them for one minute.

"I wouldn't close my eyes if I was you," Blake says.

"Too bad I don't care what you say or think," I retort.

"Watch your mouth."

"Why are you going to beat me more?" I spit bitterly.

"I think Ryan and Draco would have more fun than I would."

"Then why are you here?"

"It's not by choice. Now shut up."

"Not by choice? Not by choice? I ask raising my voice with every word, "You seem to enjoy taking part of using my body as a punching bag."

"I have to."

"You don't have to do anything. It's your choice."


"Don't call me that!"

"They were going to take Caleb if I didn't help. They knew you would trust me and be a distraction," he whispers so low I have to strain my ears to hear him.


"Yes. Everything you're going through right now, he would too. I'm so sorry but I couldn't let that happen."

"I- I understand. I'm sorry they put you in that position. I would of done the same thing if I makes you feel better."

"It doesn't but thanks."

"Do you know why they wanted me?"

"No they wouldn't tell me."

"How do I get out of here?"

"I don't know they wouldn't tell me."

"Do you know anything?" I yell exasperated.

"Excuse me?"

"I said. Do. You. Know. Anything?"

"Maybe I would if I wasn't so set on not trying to hurt you!"

"You did anyways! What's the problem now?"

"They don't trust me alright! I tried everything I could to get you out of this mess!"

"Then gain their trust and me some answers!"

"You don't know what your saying."

"Yes I do. I will deal with whatever as long as I can get out of here faster. So do whatever you have to do to gain their trust."

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