Chapter 30

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I see Ryan holding Justina by her neck against the brick wall of the building. I jump out of my car no doubt looking like a crazy person when all I'm seeing is the familiar color of red. I'm out for blood, more specifically Ryan's blood. How dare he hurt what's mine. Her breathing is shallow by how her chest is moving as I run up to them. Ryan does not even look fazed. He stays there for as long as he can until I will be able to reach them. He drops her limp body on the ground and runs. I wanted to go after him but when I see her state I continue to run to her.

"Princess? Please stay strong okay? Keep breathing in and out. Good girl just like that," I say fumbling with my phone trying to call Cole to tell him what has happened and what I should do from here. I was the one who was always injured while he was the one who always helped me heal. He would know what to do. I dial the number but the phone is ringing too slow. When he finally picks up I start screaming at him while putting the phone on speaker. "Justina. How do I help her tell me what to do!"

"Liam. Calm down. What happened to her?"

"Ryan. He choked her. She's barely breathing. What do I do?!"

"First you need to calm down. Pick up her body so her chest is flat if not already. Now tell her to stop breathing and start CPR."

"Are you out of your freaking mind?! If she stops breathing she won't start again!"

"Just do it!"

"Hi love. It's Liam. I need you to do me a favor. I know that you will think I'm crazy but you have to listen. You need to stop breathing. As soon as I do I promise I will start CPR and I will bring you back. I promise. Okay on the count of three. One... two... three." she stops breathing and I feel my heart sink.

"Cole tell me what to do! She stopped!"

"Tilt her head and give her two breaths then put your hands at the center of her chest and start doing 30 compressions."

I did exactly what Cole told me and her lips were turning cold as was the rest of her body. She still wasn't moving.

"It's not working!" I start to panic. I promised I would bring her back but it's not working!

"Keep doing it until you get a reaction!"

I try again and still get no sign of life.

"Come on! Come on!" I scream pushing down on her chest for the third time.

"L- Liam. Stop. I'm sorry. It should of worked by now," Cole says slowly in a defeated tone.

"No! No!" I yell before starting the process for the fourth time. I can't lose her. I won't lose her no matter how many times I have to do this.

"Love, princess, Justina please come back to me," I say through the tears now falling freely from my eyes.

"Liam? Did you hear that?"

"Hear what? A non beating heart?!"

"Shut up and listen!"

"Stop," it is the faintest voice less than a whisper, barely audible but it is still there and I know I'm not crazy because Cole heard it to. I'm still pushing against her chest.

"Liam stop! She's up! You have to stop or you'll hurt her more!" Cole yells at me through the phone and I immediately move my hands away like she burned me. "Welcome back J. You're body is going to shut down so don't fight it. Let sleep take over and when you wake up we will all be by your side. I promise," he says to her in a comforting and reassuring voice. "Now Liam pick her up carefully make sure her chest is flat and put her on the back seat of the car with a seatbelt around her feet and shoulders nothing can be around her chest and when you get home I will be in the driveway and I will take it from there, but don't hang up. Keep me on speaker."

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