Chapter 37

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The final shrill of the bell for the school year goes off making kids run out of their classes. Some of them go straight to the busses, say bye to their friends, exchange numbers with people they have met through the year, and throw their papers into the air. As for me, well I'm walking back to where I used to live before the twins. Why? Lately the boys have been very distant. I knew this would happen. I laugh bitterly to myself. It's been two weeks since I moved back. We have had very minimal contact. A simple hi in the hallways, a text to make sure I was home alright, and sometimes one saying goodnight.

To make matters worse I have seen Draco multiple times throughout the last two months. I can't escape him. To say that May was the worst month this year would be an understatement. It has been the worst month for as long as I could remember. Before I met the Night family I was used to being lonely and surrounding myself with books beyond numbers, but now it's so foreign.

I wake out of my trance as a car honks at me. Great. I was so distracted I'm now standing in the middle of the road with traffic coming from both sides. I make a mad dash to cross to the other side while people flip me off, and tell me to watch where I'm going. I shake my head and blast my music louder through my headphones to block out the world. Bad idea.

Not even thirty seconds after I'm on the safety of the sidewalk I'm thrown over a shoulder from behind, not giving me a chance to look at my capturer. I start screaming and thrashing around, only making him hold me tighter. I pull my phone out of my sweatshirt pocket. Thank you for always making me cold, even in eighty degree weather. I go to my speed dial and call Liam first, then Cole when there is no answer. Neither answer their phone. The one time I really need them they don't answer. With diminishing hope on the twins I keep calling but put up more of a fight. I wiggle and punch and kick as much and as hard as I can. I scream at the top of my lungs. You would think someone would pull over since we are on a busy street but no one, not one person stops to ask what is going on or if I'm okay. Unbelievable.

"Let me go!" I yell at the man.

"Sorry. No can do."

I freeze. I know that voice. The voice that has been my nightmare since the first time I met him. The person who has been training with me for months. The man that Cole had to constantly protect me from. Ryan.

"Ryan?" I ask.

"Took your time Sweetheart," he says hiking me further up his shoulder.

I gulp. Don't let him see fear. This is just training. That's it! I move my arm up so it's at the back of his neck. I bring it up to the pressure point and press down as hard as I could. He immediately drops to the floor bringing me with him. He falls on top of me unconscious. I quickly push his body off of me and take off running in the opposite direction of my house and where he was carrying me. I grab my phone and start calling Liam and Cole again. Still no answer. I groan in frustration and continue running. Thank you cross country and track. As soon as I turn the corner I bump into someone making me fall over. I look up and see Blake.

"Oh thank gosh I found you!" I say jumping into his arms.

I pull my head back to look at him, but what I see makes me even more nervous than Ryan himself. Blake looks at me with a blank face except for the sinister smile. No. I tear myself away from him and run in the opposite direction making me come face to face with Ryan. I'm trapped.

No. Remember your training. You are prepared for this. I take a deep breath and look at the both of them closing in on me with the same predatory looks in their eyes. Too bad I'm not easy prey. I count to three and run straight through someone's yard. I know they are faster than me I have about ten maybe twenty seconds before they catch up. Something sharp. Something sharp. Something sharp. I repeat in my heard looking for anything that I could use as a weapon. Rocks, chairs, tables, gnomes, grass, trees, flowers. Nothing good enough to help me. Desperately, I grab a rock and hold it to my chest until I have to use it.

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