Chapter 6

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"Can I borrow Justina for a few minutes please? Mrs. Lee would like to speak to her." I hear Liam say. I'm very confused of what he is actually here for since I don't even have a Mrs. Lee nor have I ever heard of her.

"Do you have a note from her?"

"Oh shoot. She forgot to give me one. Do you want me to go back and get it?"

"No it's fine. Justina take your things incase you don't make it back to class in time." Mrs. Rizzo tells Liam as I pack up my things and head to the door.

"There's a Mrs. Lee in this school?" I ask Liam as we begin walking down the hall.

"She's a new teacher. My mom and her are friends so I'll let her know that I had to take you out of class and she will vouch for us." Liam replies back slowing to a stop by an empty classroom.

"Ok. But what did you want to talk about?"

"When I was in New York I was involved with a gang called the Blacknights, and a year before I moved I joined the Reds to make double the money acting as a double agent. The reason we actually moved here was because the Blacknights found out that I was helping the Reds keep an eye on them and started sending death threats. So my mom made us move here and I quit both gangs before I left. That guy Ryan who talked to you was a part of the Blacknights and they are still annoyed at me for being a spy and now not only are they after me, for some reason they have taken interest in you."

"O- ok? Why are you telling me this?" I ask shocked about the information that Liam just told me.

"I want you to join me."

"With what?"

"I'm tired of running. How about we make them run?"

"How would we do that?"

"The Reds are a very big gang all over the world and there so happens to be one here not in this school, but in the other school I think it's Redwood High School."

"No, this is Redwood and the other school is Lake High School, but where do I come in?"

"You won't join the gang but you will come to get to know them and be the first girl to actually know the gang, and to other gangs you will be a member without actually being a member. Then you will be seen as a threat and so will I. If the Blacknights even come near us the Reds will have our backs."

"So I just have to make friends in the gang?"

"Yes. But I also want to teach you self defense and how to shoot a gun which we will do in the gang house."

"If I say yes am I stuck in this forever?"

"It will only be until the Blacknights get off of our backs."

"I'm not good with commitment. So I'm probably the wrong person to ask this to."

"That's the thing Princess your the perfect person to ask this too. You not one of those girls that care about Prom or their hair, you want a rush. You get excited at danger when others would run the other way. That's why this will work. As for the commitment part we can work on it."

"I'm in."

"No your not."

Me and Liam both turn around to find the source of that voice and we both come face to face with none other than Cole himself.

"She already agreed brother," Liam says through clenched teeth.

"Justina listen to me. Whatever phase your going through right now, it's just a phase. That excitement that you feel right now will die down and the more you hang out with Liam the more danger you will be in. Listen to me for your own good. This isn't the life you want."

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