Chapter 12

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Justina's outfit

It has been two weeks since I joined the Reds. Those weeks had been the closest to normal since the twins arrived. I had a schedule down. Wake up, go to school, go to cross country, go to the Blacknights' warehouse, go home, eat, shower, and go to bed. Everyday it was the same thing.

What made the weeks even better was that I hadn't seen Ryan around school and I didn't see him at the warehouse since the twins' father trained me. I now know how to shoot and gun and can defend myself.

I still had yet to go to the Reds' warehouse since I haven't seen or heard from Jasper since our talk about the arrangement. Now I was just waiting for a text so I would know when and where to start with them.

Today luckily I don't have to go to either warehouse so after cross country I was free to do whatever I pleased...until I told Liam that is.

"Hey Liam!" I yell as he is walking away from football practice.

"Hey Princess!" He says and changes his direction so he's now running towards me.

"Can you drive me home today. I don't have training."

"Wait. So you're not doing anything for the rest of the day?"

"Yes...So can you give me a ride?"

"Uh... sure. Here go head over to the car and let yourself in and I'll meet you over there in five minutes," he says tossing me his keys like you see in the movies and luckily I catch them.

I'm now sitting in his car while I'm thinking and bobbing my head up and down to the music that is blasting from my phone.

There are so many thoughts flowing through my brain but one stood out. It always did. It's been a month and a week since I met Liam which leaves four months and three weeks and then I start to withdraw from the people I talk to. My brain had a timer set. Is that even normal? No it's not. Stupid brain. To be honest I really want this friendship with the twins to work. They are exciting and Cole's like the brother I never had. What makes it even better is that they are filling the void that my broken family left. We never spend time together except for the occasional awkward dinners where we all try to catch up but argue instead and then eat in complete and utter tension filled silence. That's not a family but Cole and Liam are starting to take that place.

The slam of the door closing to the left of me breaks me out of my trance and I blink furiously to try and adjust my eyes back into focus.

"Why isn't the car on?"

"I don't know how to turn it on," I say as I smile sheepishly.

"Get out."

"Wait what?"

"Get out," Liam repeats again.

"Okay?" I say confused as I open the door and get out of the car.

"Now go in the driver's seat," Liam says throwing the keys at me over his shoulder which I successfully catch, again.

"Liam? What am I doing in this seat? I don't even know how to turn on the car."

"Put the keys in the slot and turn it until you feel the car turn on."

"How will I know when to stop?" I ask, hesitantly putting the keys towards the slot.

"It won't turn anymore."

I put the key in and start the car.

"Yes! Liam I did it!"

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