Chapter 1

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How I meet Cole:

I walk into my high school at 7:45am. The hallways are quiet and deserted. Mainly because kids are sleeping or going to practice sports and it's STILL summer but I was a PAL. I have to be there since they put MANDATORY next to the date and time. I was dropped off then decide to just wait around the front of the school hoping to see someone, anyone and ask where I would go so I wouldn't just have to stand here like I had nothing better to do. That's when I see a kid going down the hallway away from me. I run in my black flats as fast as I could. I finally caught up to the kid who was my "school" friend Emily. I begin waking with her to the rest of the group only to find that we were all here before the actual teacher was. So everyone was talking about their summer as I sat there reading a book on Wattpad of course. I look up when I saw these heels walking past me only to have the click of the heels echo throughout the hallway. She says the students would be here any minute and that one person could guide a new student for a tour around the school. Of course everyone raised their hand as did I. But my reason was entirely different from theirs. This new kid can be my shot at a new beginning. Not having to feel like your invisible, or being shy and not talking to anyone or just being able to keep a friend for more than a year.
The kids finally walk in fifteen minutes later after the teacher tells us the "do's" and "don'ts" of the day. We also still had no idea who would be guiding the new student around and I realize that I shouldn't. I'm a shy person. So I begin to go walk up to her to ask her if I can go to the bathroom because by time I get back the new kid would already have a partner that wasn't me but just as I got up the new kid came and of course she chooses me. You hear the "awes" and "boos" from the kids that surrounded us, more specifically him. They all had wide eyes as they took in his tall, muscular appearance. He had dark brown hair, bright blue eyes and his golden tan skin. The girls were practically drooling when they see him and I just stand there unsure of what to do until I see the teacher look at me then I say "Hi. I'm Justina."

"Cole," he says almost cautiously as if he was debating to tell me or not. I then lead him around the school quietly. We pause as we pass the library doors. My safe haven.

"And this is the library. It may not look like much but there is a table at the corner end of it that you can just sit at and eat, do homework, or read. This is where I ate last year for my whole second semester with some of my... (I hesitate not sure what to call them but then I finally decide to keep a friendly atmosphere) friends."

He just looks like he had seen this all before and wanted to be anywhere else but here. So I shrug and keep walking. After a few moments in awkward silence I ask him where he's from.


If he had any sibling or pets.


It's like I'm talking to a wall.

So I decide to just continue our tour and not make conversation. We finish downstairs, upstairs and finally back to the hall that I was first assigned to him, but no one was there. The silence continues. "Do you have any questions, and/ or concerns about the school?" I ask.


"Well if you need anything or anyone to just talk to, let me know." As I start to turn around I stop, abruptly.

"Thank you."

"And he speaks," I say in my thoughts which were apparently out loud from the looks I was getting from him. "You're welcome," I reply quietly and begin to turn around again. I start going into the library doors but look back when I didn't hear them shut behind me. Because of him. He is just standing there and I don't know what to do. "That's the table over there. You can come sit if you want." I'm not entirely sure if I should ask that or not so I continue moving towards the table. I don't hear any footsteps behind me so I figured he wasn't coming to the table until he was just sitting there when I come up from getting my phone from my bag.

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