Chapter 5

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The hit wasn't that hard. Yes Zack did put some muscle into it but I was more bothered that he cared so much about what I did and who I did it with. The look in his eyes was another thing. They looked like he could go psycho any minute from how dark they were. The ride to Six Flags is a silent one. I'm stuck discretely rubbing my jaw and trying to figure out why Zack was so bothered by what I did. I mean all we were was friends, and it would never be anything more. I'm pulled out of my thought by the car stopping, and the door opening. The sounds of screams and rides on their track fills my ears. After saying a quick good bye to my mother, I hop out of the car and walk towards the entrance.

Fifteen minutes later, and I'm already on line for Superman when someone taps me on the shoulder.

"Hey J. You ok?" Cole asks with concern laced in his voice.

"I'm fine seriously. How did you even find out? And what are you doing here?"

"Liam, and this was better than going to the after party."

"Why would Liam tell y- Liam's your twin!"

How could I have not figured that out sooner?!

"Yep. The one and only. Well two I guess."

We both laugh at his comment as I'm next in line to ride. I say bye to him but he only follows me on since I'm a single rider and my sister and her friend Jake were going together behind me. Throughout the ride I held my hands up and actually let loose. I usually only did this with my sister and her friends but not my own. Not in front of Zack or Emily or whoever else was my so called friend. When the ride comes to a complete stop I have such a grin on and jump out of my seat before Cole even has a chance to blink. Yes, there were seat belts but my sister and I came up with a 'you out?' And this is us being able to undo our seatbelts which was on the side of the lap bar. Of course being me when I went to get out of the station there was a counter there and I walked right into it hitting my hip. By now I'm used to it so I keep walking on waiting for my sister, Jake and Cole to meet me outside.

"Took you long enough," I say to the 3 of them as they stroll lazily down the stairs.

"Hey! It's not our fault you jumped out of your seat before the ride even stopped," Cole says back.

"It was stopped," I say matter of factly.

The rest of the time we all go on rides for another 2 hours. When it's finally time to go we all begin to walk out, Cole included. Once we reach the bus we all sat down and enjoy the bumpy ride. Just as the doors were about to close a random guy comes in and sits next to me cornering me by the window. I see Cole scowl and his eyes darken as he sees the guy. Everyone is now off the bus and I try getting up to get out of my seat, but stop as the man speaks.

"I would watch your back hanging around those twins. You could become a target next sweetheart," the guy says to me before he walks off the bus. I just stand there shocked before the bus starts moving pulling me out of my trance.

"Stop!" I yell running to the front of the bus.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't even realize anyone was on here," the driver states a little nervous and irritated at the same time.

"It's fine. I should of gotten off the bus," I say over my shoulder as I walk down the stairs, "thanks!" I call out when I was on the sweet ground away from the bus and that guy.

"Hey are you ok?" Cole asks. I nod my head and continue walking on. Honestly I wasn't nervous or worried really I was kinda excited because I love a good rush and uncertainty. Cole isn't convinced though.

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