Chapter 4

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"No. I'm not going to homecoming. It's my sisters birthday the next day and I'm going to six flags," I tell Emily for the millionth time this week. Emily is my friend, well, school friend whose house I went to for her birthday. As you can tell we have this homecoming dance this weekend on Saturday night.

"Justina, you have to go. You told me you would." She tells me as she gives me puppy dog eyes and a pouty lip. Yes, I did tell her I would go but that day I would of cut my hair off to end the conversation since I'm not much of a talker.

"The only reason I went last year was because Gabe asked me too." I quickly reply back. Gabe is my neighbor who I will admit I had a crush on when he first moved here 4 years ago with his little brother Aiden, little sister Rebecca and his mom, Marina and dad, Max. I don't like him anymore, nor do I talk to him much. This could be due to the fact that I had spent enough time with him or since he didn't even put any effort to talk but then again I can't blame him because after year one neither did I. He was my first slow dance and valentine though and I won't forget that.

"Damon come here," she says eagerly, "ask Justina to homecoming." Right then and there he asked me to go to homecoming which brings me to the situation I'm currently in.

I had been at the dance since 7 and now it's 9:05. It had been a really awkward start but it was better after we just decided to sit down and talk and it was actually nice. I finish saying my goodbyes and go to go up to my locker for the folder I left here for my test on Tuesday. As I turn around to walk out of the hallway this ice cold liquid slides down the slit in the top of my dress. No it's not what your thinking it was a knee length dress with a sparkly, but not over the top, top with a small slit down the center from the neck line to 3/4 way down my chest. I gasp and it continues going down my dress getting colder every second. Brilliant.

"Great. Excuse me," I say to him slightly annoyed.

"Wait up." He says, but I don't wait instead I walk to the bathroom slightly faster. Just before I'm going into the bathroom a hand wraps around my wrist stopping me from going any further.

"Wait. Your dress is a little wet," He states the obvious with a clear smirk that I wish I could wipe off of his face.

"Ha. Ha. Since I have to now dry my dress give me your shirt," I said half jokingly with the unknown confidence that I never knew I had. I don't want to stand half naked in the bathroom but I would of been completely fine standing awkwardly to the drier trying to dry my dress. But to my surprise his smirk grows into a grin and he starts taking off his shirt.

"Woah! What are you doing?" I ask stupidly as my cheeks start to heat up. I quietly curse myself under my breath.

"Just doing what you asked," he says at the same time he takes off of his shirt and hands it to me with his stupid smirk back to being plastered onto his face. I quickly rip the shirt out of his hands and then quickly change out of my dress and into his large but comfy black dress shirt. If you can't tell yet this guy's name is Liam. I'm standing under the dryer with his shirt nearly reaching the end of my butt, thankfully I had shorts on underneath when the door opens to reveal Liam standing there after locking the door with goosebumps on his arms. I hold back a chuckle as I see him.

"What?" He asked quite annoyed.

"N...noth....nothing." I say now hysterical. It's more amusing than you think. The boy who looks like he could knock out a whole town has goosebumps. This thought makes me laugh even more. "Hold this," I say between my laughing fit as I go into the stall to change out of his shirt and back into my dress "ok switch" I say as I give him his shirt so he can put it back on so his chest isn't bare anymore and he gives me my dress over the top of the stall door. Suddenly there is a loud gasp and I begin to laugh again.

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