Chapter 21

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It's now the next day and Liam's still not talking to neither me or Cole. It's quite amusing actually. He's constantly pouting like a little kid who was scolded by his mother. But the highlight of my morning is the knowledge of my pending discharge in a couple minutes. The only bad part is that I'm stuck walking around in crutches and cannot put any pressure on my leg. Then in a week I will have another check up to see how I'm healing.

Cole comes to check up on me. He walks over to my lying form and brushing a few strands away from my face. He smiles gently and starts to gather my minimal belongings and hands me his sweatshirt and sweatpants to change so we could leave. He goes to walk out of the room, but I have to stop him since I don't have my crutches yet and I don't want to hop to go into the bathroom. The nurses keep coming in my room to make sure I'm still healthy and stable enough to go home, but everytime they forget the stupid things I will depend on to walk for the next week.

When I come out of the bathroom Liam's leaning on my bed with the crutches, and Cole goes to help me to my bed, but Liam stops him. He walks closer to me and gives me the crutches. He wants me to use these already?! I was going to make Cole carry me to the car.

"Can't Cole just carry me to the car, and I try out this contraption when we get ho- to your house?" I ask.

"No. We are not leaving until you walk with these," Liam replies sternly, pushing them further in my hands.


It's half an hour later. I'm finally getting the hang of them. It may seem easy but for a clumsy person like me they are a nightmare. I can't even tell you how many times they had to catch me. How many times they showed me how to use them. How many times they even moved the crutches for me, and I just had to move my body with them. Overall I learned I can't balance on one foot for too long. I'm now frustrated and I just want to go home. I slowly make my way to Liam.

"There. That was a straight line. Now can we leave please? My senses are burning from the antibacterial scent."

"Fine, but you have to walk to the car by yourself," Liam agrees leading the way out of the room.

I walk up to the desk to sign the papers, and I forge my parents' signatures when the nurses aren't looking since I was still a minor.

"Here is your bill," the middle aged, green eyed nurse says.

"Thank you," I reach for Cole to get my bag that safely hid my wallet and, in return, my insurance card.

I take out the card and give it to the woman without looking at the bill.

"Um... Mrs.?" the nurse says, "it's already paid for. You are free to go. Have a nice day."

"Who? What? When? How?"

"That young man over there leaning on the wall. He paid this morning."

"Oh. Thank you," I say hopping away from the nurses station and over to Liam, "Why would you pay for my stay?"

"Because I wanted to."

"You're joking right?"

"Nope. Now let's go. I'm starving."

"I'm paying you back," I say looking at the bill.

"I have insurance so there is no need," he dismisses the matter with a wave of his hand.

"Seriously? I'm paying you back. Period." I assert and try to walk away like they do in the movies when they win an argument but I slowly hop in front with a chuckling Liam behind me.

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