45. To look: forward

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"Cars, we're sticking to Skype-", I said to his face on a screen, walking around somewhere in New York, as I was feeling absolutely drained of energy. I'd gotten quite used to being at home all day long. Every little thing I did was exhausting, and yet I didn't do lots.

I would be organising; then reorganising. I would check on anything that popped up in my head. I would tap. And then tap again.

And beside all of that, I had school. All of my work that I had to do was sent to me with email, and my new mentor, mr Sawyer, would call me every day to help me with all of the home work I had. Apparently there are teachers who want to help kids to a better future, like mr Sawyer.

But, most of all, I was home alone. I felt believed in again.

"...I'm outside yours, Rue. I desire human contact", Carson said, cutting me off.
I grinned a little, hoping that at least he'll notice a bit of appreciation. Deep inside, I really desired human contact too.
"Okay, um, I'll open up", I said, feeling as I didn't really have a choice in this - walking towards the hallway, opening up the door.
"Hello!", the brightly smiling Carson exclaimed, hanging up on Skype. "I just couldn't stand seeing you through the Skype all the time", hugging me.
"Hi Cars", I giggled a little. "You honestly caught me off guard there", tapping my thigh.
Suddenly Tobi came walking from my room - she must've woken up when I left her side.
"Tobi!", Carson excitedly yelled, as Tobi got totally over the moon from seeing him again - belly rub after belly rub.
When he stood up again, he gave me a serious look.
"I brought Monopoly", he announced.
"Oh, it's about to get serious"

"Gimme my money", Carson said, extremely happy about the fact that I'd managed to step on his most expensive hotel.
"Here ya go", I laughed, calmly collecting all of my money - the last in my pocket.
"Aaand I'm the winner!", he exclaimed, starting some kind of winning dance.
When he finished, he fell down, face-front, on the couch - right next to me and my tired self.
"I'm just as bad as a winner as I am a bad loser", he stated, petting Tobi.
"I know, Cars", giggling.
He looked under the tv table, where all the movies were stacked. I followed his lead, eyeing the wide range of films.
"Ah my god, let's watch Mamma Mia!", I exclaimed, quickly grabbing the film and standing up - a bit too quickly, making the world wobble.
"Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey or?", Carson asked, looking at me - upside down, on his back, legs over the back of the couch.
I rolled my eyes, putting in the DVD as I quickly pressed play.
"I have a dream, a song to sing...", I began, matching my voice with Sophie's.
"To help me coOOOPE with anything", Carson blasted through in falsetto, voice crack after voice crack.

Suddenly Vanessa was looking at our crazy dancing, singing and laughing in the living room. Currently we were doing a freestyle routine to Dancing Queen, in exact motion, while almost scream singing to the classic 70's tune.
"What is even going on here?", she exclaimed, with the most confused look on her face. "Mamma Mia, obviously", she mumbled, looking at the screen to us - as we now where replicating the the dance on the pier. "Do we even own this movie, Rue?", and we were back to confused.
"Apparently, and I can't believe I've never seen it in the movie shelf before!", I shouted back to her, just as loud so she could hear.
She looked at me, laughing as she spoke to Tobi, who seemed completely clueless.
"Yeah, whatcha sister doin', huh?"
Confused and clueless as the tiny dog was, she tilted her head and wagged her tail.

About an hour later Sebastian came strolling into the living room as the outro music began to play. He'd been on a play date with a girl, Miriam, from kindergarten.
Me and Carson turned our heads back, looking at Vanessa who looked at us with a little bright smile.
"Did we embarrass you, Seb?", but honestly, the question was actually for Vanessa. The one year old crossed his arm in a protest towards me, giggling.
"You're embarrassing, Hermana!", he exclaimed at me. Though, both me and Vanessa were positive that he did not know what embarrassing was. A word, he was yet to make acquaintance with. At the moment, he was repeating what every one was saying - making it into actually understandable sentences.
"You singing, dancing and being absolute weirdos - I must say that seeing Miriam's dad's face was hilarious", she said, not even exaggerating a bit.
Carson and I cracked a laugh, pausing the film as we started to put the Monopoly back in the box.
"Oh, and Carson, do you want to stay for dinner?", Vanessa asked as she made her way over to her and Lin's bedroom. "It's probably gon' be takeout, what do we say about Chinese?"
"I'm sold, either way", Carson replied, brightly smiling. "Just need to cancel a posh dinner regarding My Future with Dad", he gave us a short laugh, as he shook the topic off his shoulders.
It did not go well, as Vanessa looked as confused as something extraordinary out of this ordinary world.
"I want to drop out, he wants me at snob school and then at Harvard", Cars explained, making it a bit clearer. "And, finally I actually have a reason to cancel one of those stiff meetings"
It was quiet for a moment, as I let my guardian process the information.
"Well, we're absolutely delighted to be your excuse"
I think she'd come to a close, that Carson's Dad was a hypocrite.

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