20. To observe

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"Ey, Rue, I'm trying to make this verse on this song work. Can you please sing it, niñ?", I heard Lin shout at ten o'clock that morning, as I was reading through a case that, to my surprise, had to be done after Christmas.

The blinking Christmas lights lit up our apartment, making it feel rather cosy.

Rue came into the kitchen, and I couldn't help but notice her four taps before sitting down on one of the six chairs, right next to Lin, who were making scrambled eggs for breakfast on the stove.
"Why? I'm no singer-", she answered, in such an apologising way. She rearranged the order of the books and plates, making me raise an eyebrow at Lin.
"I don't care, my wife's refusing to do it!-"
I cut him off, laughing at his comment.
"Hey, I'm just saying that I'm not a Disney princess!", Rue smiled.
"To me you are!", Lin exclaimed, skipped over to me and leaving a kiss on my cheek. I couldn't help but blush at his weirdness - yet, this was cheesy.
"What?! You're writing a Disney song?!", her surprised exclaim made Lin broke out in laughter.
"Yep! And for now, you are a singer", he calmly replied.
"Oh my life, you are! Gotta tell Carson this", she said, picking up her phone. "He'll be out of his mind"
Lin snatched it from her, with the spatula in his left hand.
"Will you sing it, though?"
Rue rolled her eyes at his childish behaviour, trying to find sympathy from me.
I giggled.
Making a decision, she tapped the table for a few seconds.
"Okay, then!", Rue exclaimed and reached for the papers at the other side of the table. Lin hummed the melody for her, as she read through the sheet music and Lin's, sometimes unreadable, notes for the lyrics. He put her phone down. "Here goes nothing then"
She took the first tune, quietly singing through the verse, not missing a single note.
I calmly stopped reading my emails for the case, looking up at Rue, who seemingly were emerged in the notebook.
She finished, looked up, unsure about our reactions.
"Yes, yes, yes! Thank you niñita, I'mma just change this word here...", he scribbled down something, as he excitedly cheered for himself. "And you, are most definitely a singer", his happy, high-pitched tone, making Tobi wag her tail as she patiently stood right next to him - hoping that some crumbles would fall down.
Rue blushed, and went back to texting Carson. I was so happy that she had someone to talk to outside me and Lin - and the cast, of course. And, on a good note, his dog was rather adorable, as I'd had the pleasure to meet him when me and Rue walked Tobi the other day.
"-Can you sing it again?", Lin asked, out of the blue, handing back the notepad. She looked at him, rolled her eyes. "Please?"
She grabbed it, read through and took the next take. Such a quiet - yet beautiful voice. I was stunned.
"Yes!", hyped cheering from Lin, "Okay, lemme tell ya, you are an astonishing singer. And it seems to me that you can read sheet music too, one point to Rue! Zero points to V for not even trying"
"Hey, actual-five-year-old, you're the broadway nerd here", I jokingly snapped back at his comment. He smiled, confident, his eyes saying; 'proud to be it too', "And Rue, yes, you can sing. Fantastic too"

Sebastian came running in, his favourite train in his right hand, talking about everything. Non-stop.
"Ruuuuuthh", he shouted.
"You did it! High five, Seb!", Rue exclaimed, in surprise. She sat down to his height, holding out her hand as Seb clashed his on hers. My heart melted, proudly smiling as my two beloved children chatted.
"Train?", he asked, now holding onto two of her fingers, dragging her back to the living room. Rue giggled, and nodded as Sebastian ran out of room, still holding her hand as she, giggling, would step right next to him.

When they finally weren't in the kitchen anymore, I let out what had made me feel down for the past week.
"I feel so bad that I couldn't make her Christmas any better", Lin stopped patting Tobi for a moment.
"-Hey, any better? What? You made it go from a week to three days", he kissed my cheek, as I, a bit stressed, scrolled through my emails. "You probably made it hella better"
I kept on reading them.
Lin cut me off by smashing my laptop together gently, after removing my hands from the keyboard.
"-No. You're the best", he exclaimed, whispering. "And you're off work. Please, go and enjoy the holidays and do this case when you get back to work"
I laughed at his determination, nodding as he narrowed into my eyes.

Belong - an adopted by Hamilton fanfic [Hamilton]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora