18. To see: 1.0

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Ruth's pov
I saw Ansel and Warren approach me from the end of the corridor, leaving Rachel there who seemed to look a bit disappointed.
I bet she got the look-out-for-teachers job.

I took a deep breath and started to pathetically look around.
Walking backwards, in a weak attempt to try to get away, only to result in the both brothers accelerating.
Tap the lockers, seven times on the first, third, fifth, seventh... Stop on the 21st and they might stop.
The little hope that grew in me gave me a reason to frantically tapping on a fast way.
Don't step on any cracks, Rue.

Soon, Warren had a tight grip around my shoulder, pressing me against the 21st locker I'd just tapped 7 times. I squeezed my eyes shut.
It wasn't right,
I must've missed one.
I was such a fail, I couldn't even complete a simple task.
I opened them again, only to see Ansel's disgusting smile that frightened me to death.
His hand seemed to reach for me, or to be more precise, my throat.
He pressed his hand against it, choking me while staring into my eyes. Warren making sure I couldn't move.
I was paralysed by fear.
Ansel opened his mouth.
"You are a disgusting, parentless, piece of shit", articulated every word. "You got me expelled for a week, my reputation is destroyed because you've been telling those little lies", biting his lip in anger, "We can't foster another disgusting orphan because of your lies. It's all your fault that we can't get enough money for a living", he spat the next few words in my face.
I cannot breath.
Tap the wall 56 times. Blink your eyes 23 times.
Counting, as I tried to gasp for air.
"Everything's your fault", he pressed harder, but not in a way like he wanted to kill.
Suddenly, Rachel's shrill voice yelled through the quiet hall.
"Ansel, Warren, mr Vector!", it said.
Ansel let go of my throat in a matter of seconds, still narrowing into my eyes.
"Don't say a word, Ruthleigh. You don't deserve any pity, your foster parents are gonna leave you behinf, sooner or later", his quiet voice that sounds of hatred spoke.
I nodded, in panic, still not letting myself to breath.

When they finally paced away, I could take a long wanted proper first breath for the first time in two minutes.
My throat hurt, it hurt to breath.
Letting my eyes water up, as my mind started to freak out.
You did it all wrong, you can't move from here until you're done touching the floor 77 times.
Then snap your fingers 23.
And blink your eyes 56.
Otherwise your family will die; Lin, Vanessa and Sebastian, all fallen to the ground.
Repeat until it feels just right.
I was stuck on the floor for 32 minutes.

Going back to the theatre that day was almost impossible, as I panicky would tap every thing that came up in my mind.
I looked at my own reflection in every window, puddle and mirror I came across, just to check that my concealer still was covering up the marks Ansel's strong hand had given me.
Puddles. Why can't the snow ever seem to target Christmas?

I walked through the backdoor, doing my usual rituals as I knocked on the door lightly.
A few moments later Anthony opened the door.
"THE KID IS HERE", he shouted to the empty hall behind him. I looked at him, and raised an eyebrow.
You didn't step on any stone cracks on the way here right?
Then it suddenly hit me.
"Ugh what have you done?", I said, teeny tiny excited, as Anthony dragged me inside. I didn't like surprises.
And my throat hurt while talking.
"And hi to you too Rue!", he added to my question, laughing.
I giggled, focusing on making every little tap and touch as unrecognizable as it was quick, swooshing past the halls in a high speed of walking to the big room.

There, everyone stood chatting to one and another, cheering as Anthony left me in the doorway next to Vanessa, my eyes grew big at the table filled with presents.
"-Wait what?", I managed to say, looking up at the eternally smiling Vanessa and then to Lin, who supposedly were high-fiving me to then give me a soft hug. Me being 5"1, he had to bend down and me stand on my toes in all confusion.
A Christmas tree stood in the corner, which it had been for the past three days.
Touch the doorframe 21 times.
"Merry early Christmas!", everyone yelled.
I blinked my eyes a few times, opening my mouth in the most attractive way possible as the penny fell down.
"Awh, you guys! Thank you so so much, like what the actual fluff?", I said, melting onto Vanessa's shoulder. I happily squeezed my eyes together, counting as I silently tapped. "You didn't have to!"
This was the first time that I'd gotten presents in years.
"Hah, yes we did Rue! Firstly, you are adorable. Secondly, our mascot can't be leaving for Christmas without having a nice day with pals. Like, do you even know how great it is having you here? No. And we know that you've been worried about Christmas, so Thayne the local madman planned this", Javi said, smiling in the most excited and cute way possible.
I looked at Thayne in aw, who were putting on some Antlers on me.
"Now we're matching!", he said in the most 5-year-old-way possible, making me giggle.
Put them on yourself 7 times, then it'll be totally right.
"Let's get this party started!", Leslie shouted and a rave version of Jingle Bell Rock started rocking, as Andrew tried to make Pippa, Alysha and Anthony join in on the Mean Girls' dance.
Me giggling away, trying to hide my nervous ticks, Vanessa leaned down to tell me something.
"Our presents will be given on Sunday morning. Second early Christmas, then", petting my antlers, making the bells jingle.
I gave her a bright smile.
"Thank you", I said truthfully.
"V? Our presents? It's Santa's presents!", Lin exclaimed, lifting his right eyebrow.
I lifted my left one in response.
"Oh, please niñita, please!", he basically begged, leaving Vanessa laughing.
"Lin! I'm fourteen, silly!"

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