5. To feel: empty

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I sat down in class, quiet, the second week of being back with the Lovell's. The face of Ansel that he gave me when arriving never backing down from my thoughts.
Georgia had completely left me at this point, so I sat all by myself.
All day.
The blackeye that I'd received this morning forming my eye's bags around my little crack of sight. No one questioned it. Just giving me looks.
As I got home, Ansel walked behind me, his arm touching my shoulder. Not the protective way, how Lin made it feel like, but the unsafe way.
I inhaled, looked down at the sidewalk.
Don't step on any cracks or you're parents won't come back.
Carefully tip toeing, wishing for Ansel to ignore me, but as his fist clenched into my side I gulped.
"Stop being so freaky", he said. As a few tears built up behind my eyes by the pain, I winced and forced them back. But I couldn't stop, not now. I had to do it.
"I told you to stop!"
His fist touched my eye for the second time in two days, making the little crack of view I currently had only smaller.
I silently walked by his side all the way to the old brick house he called home, while gasping for air with a drenching pain in my side, only seeing fifty five percent of my actual potential.
Not stepping on a single crack, the 3 days of almost happiness an old memory, almost forgotten.

I sat in my room, on the bedspread that I'd proudly got an A for doing in handicraft. Scrolling through my phone, the internet not doing its best since I wasn't allowed to use their wifi - and the little 1GigaBite the system kindly handed over to me was over so suddenly. Because of that, I tried to use it gently. But, it always came to the end after a week or two, and them it became the slow internet that I was currently stuck with.
I could hear the Lovells happily chukling downstairs as they'd heard the news that Ansel was going to a party. In my mind, I knew it was going to end with alcohole, and that Ansel was going to leave with both Warren & Rachel, while the parents wasn't going to keep an eye on them, not giving a single sign of caring when they returned home. Because they knew - the two of them just didn't care. I could hear them leaving, and as I glanced out of the window I saw the bottle they were downing about ten meters from their home.
All of a sudden, I got a notification.

-> Ruth, first things first, are you okay?
I finally got your number from the Foster Care Department, by forcing them.
We are trying to sort out your current situation, we just need your approval. Just call or text us where you are and what they've done to you, so we can press charges and get you outta there.
Lin & Vanessa

It was the fifth tim they were sending the same text. They probably thought I didn't recieve them, or just didn't see them. Five times, and they still cared. As I read every word, I couldn't feel a single thing. The text smashing my thoughts to wake up.
You're still bothering them. If you stand up and jump 82 times, they won't care anymore.
And so I did, and a little out of breath I replied with a text that my thoughts ordered.

<- I'm fine
They've never done a thing
Please don't press charges

I'd just pressed the sending button, after desperately writing a text telling them what wasn't my mind, what was totally bend from the reality. Breathing in a panicky way, afraid people would find out.
Suddenly the pile of books that wasn't completely in line seemed so unsettling, and I immediately stood up to fix it.
Tell them that you're fine again, just to make sure.

<- I'm fine

The text hurt to send, leaving me with my own thoughts on the side.
"Ruth! Get down here and help Sarah with dinner!"
Throwing my phone down on the uncomfortable bed, running down the stairs with no protest.

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