31. To surprise

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[sorry about my little absence, bUT we've gained 1K votes & 18K votes??? THANKS]
I looked over at Dr Noma, with that suspicious look I had.
"So, Rue, how's your week been?", she asked, in that too calm therapist voice. I raised an eyebrow at her.
She just wants to hurt you. Tap the chair 77 times.
She decided to scribble something down. Me, curious about what was so interesting it needed scribbling down, straightened my spine from the already perfect posture I had, sitting there - so nothing bad happened. If I talk, maybe she'll stop writing?
"Good", I said quickly, yet quiet. A silent pause made its appearance.
"I heard that you didn't go outside for two days. Why?", Dr Noma asked, as I shrugged my shoulders in response. "Did you feel better by staying inside?"
At that, I nodded. At least, I think I did.
Twitch your head 23 times. Or Vanessa will die.
Suddenly, three blank papers were put in front of me. I looked up, confused.
"Write down every fear, every worry, you have and can think of right now, just in the last few minutes or so", she put a nice and fancy pencil in my hand. I, a little insecure, started forming those first few words on the first page, in my very neat handwriting.

When I awkwardly asked for one more, she happily handed it over to me.

I wrote down 23 more. I soon finished the last letter, carefully finishing the last swirly part of a d, doing an elegant dot at the end.
"Done", I said, handing them over in a shaky way.
Touch the chair 56 times. Then redo it four times.
"This, this, is what kept you from going outside", I felt how I started to feel so little in the big, and surprisingly comfortable, chair I sat in. "You need to take your medicine, Rue"
I gulped anxiously.
"Well, it clearly isn't working", I snapped, building up a shield around me.
Don't let her affect you. She wants to hurt you.
I started to frantically tap. With a bit of a mind flip, and you're thrown right into the time slip.
"It is", she slowly said, calmly trying to make me understand.
I wanted to melt into the chair, and be gone by the second.
She'll hurt you. Tap. Tap more. Add another. Blink. 1, 2, 3, 4...

Still, I forced a tiny grin onto my face as I met up with Vanessa afterwards. I didn't want to let them down, not a single time more. Still, I always managed to do that.
"Niñita! How was it?", she excitedly asked, like always when she picked me up - which felt safe.
I shook my shoulders, walking up to her.
"Where's Seb?", I asked, due to the fact that I'd been at the theater all day before coming here.
"Daycare-", but got cut off by that her phone started ringing, and she hung up without hesitation. "We're gonna pick him up!", Vanessa continued. I smiled, but nodding towards her phone questionably. "Work. They never seem to stop calling", she sighed, as we walked out to the car. "But, it's the weekend - so work, bibbidi bobbidi boo, away!"
I giggled, jumping over the puddle from melted snow and opened the door, humming the classic Disney tune.

As soon as we got through the door to the hallway of my home, Tobi came running towards me with her tail waving like there was no tomorrow. This though, was almost crazy alike the run Seb had done towards me when I got to daycare just 20 minutes earlier, shouting 'Hermana!'.
I looked over my shoulder as Tobi was jumping up and down on us, and easily made my way over to the door.
Open and close it 56 times. Otherwise Seb will die.
By automatic, I did as my mind said.
I tried to form a logical reason in my head, but instead an irrational fear became important.

As soon as I quit, after many redo's, when both Vanessa and Seb was gone from the hall, I could take my shoes off - in my own speed. Suddenly my phone started buzzing.
I easily placed it right next to me as I was unpacking my left shoe first.
Left one. The right way. Now now now now now now.
Panicky, I did it three more times, just to be sure.
Firstly now, I could give my phone a glance.

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