89. To be

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[A/N: A fun little chapter coming your way. Enjoy!☀️💐🍃
PS: there's a secret project at the end of the chapter, so don't miss that!💗]

I was in the car with Lin, as he was about to drop me off at Dom's building. He had just pulled over and stopped by Dom's door when he looked over at me.
"You've got your water bottle? Your apple? Your EpiPen?", he asked me, and I nodded at every single question.

I looked back at the past week.
I had been tested for several allergies.
But peanut shone the brightest.
And Lin and Vanessa had cleared out everything that could potentially contain peanuts, from energy bars to peanut butter.
And I knew I wasn't supposed to, but I felt like I was in the way.
I just couldn't seem to let that feeling go.

"Yes. And I promise I'll call if something happens", I replied with a smile on my face.
He beamed at me, though there was a slight tone of worry in his eyes. Like always.
"Good, Niñita. Have fun now, alright?", he said, hugging me quickly before I opened the door.
"Yeah, I will, Dad-", I said, the word just slipping out.
I instantly felt embarrassed, the feeling just washing over me as I tightened up and pulled away.
I regretted it, even if it wasn't something I had intended to say.
You shouldn't have said that.
I even felt ashamed, in a way.
Like I had done something wrong.
Something so utterly wrong.
"Bye", I quickly said, cutting myself off as I turned around and opened the door, stepping out. "S-see you tonight", I forced out, trying to not seem affected by the situation as I hurried off to where Dom was standing outside his building.

I shouldn't have said that.
I really shouldn't have.

"Hi", he said, kissing me quickly before he gave me a hug.
"Hi", I said, smiling brightly at him as we let go.

Before we entered his apartment building, I looked back over my shoulder.
Lin hadn't left yet.
I quickly turned away, scared to look at him and see his reaction.
That feeling in my gut just wouldn't go away.

As we walked up the stairs to Dom . apartment, we met his mom walking down while carrying a weekend bag.
"Oh, hey Rue!", she exclaimed, smiling as she saw us.
"Hi mrs Moreau-Fletcher!", I told her.
"No, no more of that. It's Agnés", she said, and I nodded. "I'm sorry, but I've got to get to this conference. My cab's right outside", she explained with a sad look on her face.
I kept smiling, though the word cab put some awful flashbacks in my head. I blinked a little extra.
"Please, come by this weekend for Sunday dinner. We'd love to have you", she suggested.
I hesitantly nodded.
"I'll... I'll have to check with my parents first though", I told her, though in reality, having dinner at another house scared me. I could barely eat at my own house anymore.
She seemed happy with my answer, as she turned to Dom.
"And you'll take care of Florence, eh?", she asked him, and he nodded. "Your Dad will be home by 12 pm at the earliest with this big event today, you never know when those things end. And call me if anything happens?", to which Dom nodded. They quickly hugged. "Alright then. Love you, Nicky. Bye!"
With that she disappeared down the stairs
"Nicky?", I asked him, having a hard time picturing him as someone else than a Dom.
"Only my parents call me that", he said, blushing slightly. "So please don't-"
"I won't", I said, kindly shaking my head, as we entered his apartment.
"Rue!", Flo exclaimed as she came running towards me with their new puppy in her arms. "Look at Ariel! Isn't she adorable?", she asked me.
"Hi Flo and Ariel!", I told her, letting the puppy sniff me before I petted her behind her ear. "She's really cute", I added, adoring the small golden retriever that was looking rather comfortable in the little girl's arms.
"I know, right?", Flo told me, her eyes big and excited. She turned to Dom. "Please Dom can we go to the park now-"
"But Rue just got here, Flo-", Dom told her sister with a slightly annoyed look on his face.
"I know but you told me we were gonna go to the park with Ariel today!", she objected.
"Flo, please", Dom continued.
"I don't mind", I said, to which Flo's face lit up.
"See? She doesn't mind", Flo happily concluded, looking content with the situation. "So, can we go?"
Dom sighed.
"I guess", he said, letting her win.
Flo jumped out of excitement.

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