15. To challenge

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[okay, lil A/N here. A • is meant for either looking back on something, like reflecting on a day or a flashback. If so, it'll be marked with cursive letters. It can also mean a long time hop - a few hours, or days. If so, it'll be marked with normal letters. This is to make y'all have a better reading experience, hopefully it's appreciated. Her thoughts, very complicated and worrying thoughts, are marked with cursive letters, which you've probably noticed by now. And words that are articulated and emphasized are with thick letters, and in A/Ns too.
Also, thank y'all so much for reading this. I'm amazed how you love it, by your comments and votes. It means a l o t to me💕]

Ruth's pov
It was Tuesday. The internet had officially gone nuts about me - and not only did it freak me out, sometimes I just couldn't stop myself from tapping. Stuck in a loop. And it had been going on since friday - only getting worse.
I walked up the stairs of the theatre, as Lin and Vanessa had made a deal with me that I could go home by myself on Mondays and Fridays. Other days were theatre days.
It didn't bother me though - the theatre was amazing, and the people there always welcomed me as I ran around backstage.
I skipped down the corridor backstage to Lin & Jonathan's room, carefully not stepping on any cracks.
Don't you dare stop on one.
Before opening the door, I tapped the doorknob 23 times, opening and closing it four times before actually opening it.
"Hiya", I said quietly, walking inside, when I realised Lin was on the phone. He smiled kindly at my tip toeing, trying not to make a sound.
"Good day?", he mouthed. I made a thumbs up, nodding & lying.

People had gone crazy about my existence - earlier I was just air for people, and now, everyone looked suspiciously at me when I entered school, like if they weren't sure if I actually was the one the Lin-Manuel Miranda had tweeted about.
The whole situation made me sad and my mind to flip out - even Georgia, the girl that had left the annoying girl that was me a long time ago, tried to befriend me. I'd smiled as she'd kept on rambling, feeling Ansel, Warren and Rachel's looks drilling into the back of my neck, as I saw Georgia's clique make their way over to us. I awkwardly smiled, and said something like 'sorry, gotta go', and slowly headed for the art classroom, as I knew I had to leave for it early.
The tapping hadn't increased since the announcement - it had more or less accelerated, and nor could I control it. It made me panic, the urge. I had so many people watching me - knowing that if I did something wrong, maybe something would happen, and they would blame me. Worried, I started tapping each locker seven times as students across the hall watched me.
Rue, touch that door. And don't step on any cracks.
Knock on the lockers.

I left my backpack there and immediately ran to the girl's dressing room, a smile spreading across as I saw Jazz, Renée and Pippa playing around with Snapchat filters.
I sneaked into the picture, vomiting rainbows and joined them singing.
As Pippa ended the snap, they all turned back.
"RUE", Pip squealed. "You are now part of the Hamilton Snapchat", we high-fived.
I rolled my eyes at their excitement, and sat down on the floor with my chemistry book in my hand.
Tap the floor 4 times before sitting down.
Tap, tap, tap - tap.
"So, Rue, we thought that we needed some Schuyler time and therefore we suggest Christmas shopping on Thursday", said Jazz, sitting down right next to me. "Ugh. Chem"
I responded laughing.
"You guys do know that I have school right? And you have work?"
"Yep. But you're the kid and Lin's kid and therefore we'll be free. And you finish at two so we have at least four hours before we'll have to actually work!", Renée said, snapping her fingers.
"Okay, okay, I surrender!", I said, taking my hands up in the air.
"Yeah, Kid, you are adorable", Anthony said, leaning against the wall. "Hi Jazz", helping her up. He kissed Jazz's cheek, and I couldn't help but smile.
I tried to focus on the many complex words on page 342, trying to get everything smashed into my head before tomorrow - all because of a sudden test my teacher had decided to have.

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