Chapter 34 - Drinks

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"Rosie lovely she reminds me of -" "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed her company." Alastor cut in stopping you mid sentence.

You briefly frowned before dismissing the thought.

On the return walk, you observed the reactions of other demons on the street. Some screamed, others jumped into bins to hide, and one set themselves on fire and ran away, noticing Alastor.


You knew you caught his attention seeing his ear twitch to the side.


"How did you... how did you... die?" You furrowed your brow and glanced up at him, observing a lack of response as he maintained his forward gaze.

As you patiently awaited his reply, he abruptly paused and let out a sigh before skillfully twirling his cane and leaning on it while turning to face you.

Instead of speaking, he raised his fringe, revealing an X-shaped mark in the centre of his forehead.

"You were shot?" You questioned.

"Indeed." He let out a soft breath as he kept walking. You link your arm with his and follow.

"By who?" You wanted more.

"Some amateur hunter who mistaken me as a deer. The irony to become a deer demon." He chuckled bitterly.

That left you speechless for a moment.

"So you were never caught?"

"No, well... They probably knew after I died since the killing would have abruptly stopped. If the hunter's eyes were not as useless as they were, he would have seen what I was burying." He sighed.

You took that information in. What if you were alive? Would that had still happened?

Alastor observed that you had become lost in your thoughts.

"My dear, please do not be concerned about it. It happened a long time ago. Ultimately, it ended my suffering," he confessed as you locked eyes with him.

"I'm sorry..."

"You have nothing to apologise for, darling."

You were making your way to the gate. Alastor stopped you for a moment.

"(Y/N)... how confident are you facing, Adam?" Alastor asked, needing reassurance.

You noticed the worriness in his eyes. "I know how he fights, Alastor. I'm confident to predict his moves." You answered. "Just making sure. I don't wanna lose you so soon." Alastor admitted. "Don't worry, my sweet husband. We can do this together." You smiled. Alastor, for a moment, believed you. "Okay..." He sighed as you made yourself back to the hotel.

You frowned after opening the door.

"Oh hey, you're back!" Charlie cheered.

You observed the presence of alcoholic beverages on the table, including a decorative fountain dispensing alcohol.

"Uh... what is this?" You questioned.

"They made an agreement to drink together for one night, and starting tomorrow, they will begin training." Vaggie groaned, expressing her displeasure at the fact that they had somehow convinced the princess to participate in this activity.

Suddenly, Angel appeared beside you with a glass. "Drink up, Mrs Radio demon!" He grinned.

"What are you planning?" Alastor said, narrowing his eyes at the porn star.

"What? I just wanna see Miss ex angel true nature. I bet it's been a while since you drank any alcohol am I right?" Angel cooed, squeezing your cheek, making you swat it away.

"Darling, you know what happens." The overlord warned. "Oh? What happens?" Angel questioned with a mischievous glint.

You looked between the both of them.

"I guess 1 drink won't hurt." You sighed.

Few hours later

1 drink turned into 5.

Alastor facepalmed himself, how you fell for Angel plan. He knew what he was planning. He was trying to gain information out of you and the radio demon sex life.

Alastor leaned against the bar with a sigh.

"Need this?" Husker said, shaking a bottle of rye at the radio demon.

"Gladly." He growled, taking a swig out of it. "Damn boss, you okay?"

"Just peachy old pal."

"Hmm, you're worried about her, aren't you?"

Alastor gave him a stern look of caution. Husker raised his hands in a defensive gesture. "It's a natural response to feel concern. I understand that you haven't experienced such emotions in quite some time..." the feline stated, causing the overlord to frown. He couldn't deny the truth in those words. Since his arrival in hell, he had been devoid of any emotional attachments or worries. However, that all changed when you fell yesterday, triggering a surge of emotions that overwhelmed him.

"Suppose you are right, Huskers." Alastor admitted, taking another swig.

"So? (Y/N) What's strawberry pimp like in bed?" Angel asked as Charlie groaned. "Angel, drop it!" "I'm just curious is all."

You thought for a moment. "What do you wanna know?" You slurred. "Anything!"

"Hmm, I enjoyed doing it at Mimzy Bar. Or maybe that one time in the woods. Oh! The shower!"

Charlie jaw dropped as Angel stared wide-eyed, impressed. "Woah! You're telling me Alastor fucked you-" "Different positions to them all." You giggled before hiccuping. "Holy shit!" Angel laughed.

"Alastor!" Charlie nervously called him over. "He always let's me finish first being the gentleman he is." You whispered seductively into the porn star ear.

"What is it princess?" Alastor sighed walking over. "You fucked her on your dining table?" Angel suddenly blurted out making the overlord eyes widened. "(Y/N)!" You were immediately pulled away with a quick yelp escaping your mouth.

"Oh shit Al! I didn't think you had it in you." Angel chuckled. "Welp! My plan worked! She's an honest drunk for sure!"

"Don't I know it." Alastor mumbled.

"I only had a little." You pouted. "Hmm, a little yeah?" Alastor mocked. "Hey you've been drinking whisky straight out the bottle. I don't know how though." You questioned feeling your nose scrunch up.

Alastor only shrugged as he took you back over to the now empty bar as you both took a seat.

You observed the crew. The laughter and smiles that emanated from them were infectious, and you couldn't help but feel uplifted by their positive energy.

Alastor noticed your composed demeanour and observed the smile upon your face.

"This is nice. No worries about anything at the moment. Just some drinks with friends." You sighed happily.

Alastor offered a gentle smile in response, though he held a differing opinion. For this evening, his primary focus was ensuring your happiness and tranquillity.

"And I'm a little horny."

Alastor stared blankly for a brief moment, not showing any emotion.

"You were always a horny drunk." Alastor chuckled.

You met his gaze.

"My dear, if I were to go to my room, you wouldn't follow me?" he inquired with a hint of amusement.

You narrowed your eyes, knowing his intentions.

"The decision is yours," he hummed, walking away with the whisky bottle.

As you observed the others, blissfully unaware of the situation, you inwardly berated yourself for granting him his desire.

Swiftly, you leapt down and ran up the stairs.

Criminal Love - Alastor X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now