Chapter 12 - Cannibal

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You couldn't help but feel a little remorseful. You had just admitted to having no feelings for Paul and had kissed Alastor while still technically in a relationship with Paul.

Now, Alastor's mother believes you have been secretly dating.

You collapsed onto the bed with a sigh of frustration.

Why was this all so complicated!

But as you recalled the kiss in the woods with Alastor, you couldn't help but smile as you ran your finger over your lips.

Alastor slowly knocked on your door he had just come from one of his night-time outing as he recalled them.

"Hey love, you ok?" Alastor  asked after just coming out from the shower seeing him in his nightwear.

You sat up with a sigh. "I must admit that I feel a sense of guilt, given that I am still with Paul. This situation weighs heavily on my conscience. It makes me feel... slutty."

Alastor's gaze narrowed slightly as he observed your word selection. "My dear, I must gently correct you, as you are quite far from that. You are letting him know of your relationship with him tomorrow, which does not necessarily imply that you are that. It is not uncommon for couples to find themselves drawn to other people during the course of their relationship," Alastor explained, attempting to provide reassurance.

You gently nodded, offering a warm smile as he took a seat beside you.

"Now that we are confessing, my dear, there is something I must share with you. I sincerely hope this... does not alter your perception of me, as it may be unsettling for someone of your sensibilities to hear."

"Alastor, you kill people in the most gruesome way. How can it get worse?" You suddenly giggled. Alastor didn't respond.

His gaze meeting your eyes. "I don't just do that, darling... I... eat them." He then confessed.

Your eyes suddenly widened, feeling your stomach turn slightly.

"You... ea... wha-" You were like a broken record now unable to speak.

"There's something dark inside me that enjoys the pleasure of it. It's hard to explain to an innocent soul like you. But I wanted to confess that if we're gonna start something together, it was best you found out now instead of finding out yourself. Although I will add this now, love that I have never ever fed you any of my... victims. I wouldn't dare do that to you."

You sat there completely speechless. You wouldn't lie. You were grossed out by it. But Alastor was trusting you with this. He wanted you to know his true intentions of his dark side. And if it was something you would gladly accept into the relationship.

You gazed into his captivating honey coloured eyes, gently reaching out to caress his cheek.

Your heart was filled with an undeniable love for him, acknowledging that everyone possesses imperfections, and he was no exception despite him eating people. But he had shown no intentions harming you in any way.

"I will accept that that is a part of you just... don't let me see any of it... raw or scattered in my home." You said calmly.

"Of course, love, thank you... for understanding."

He took your hand that was on his cheek and kissed your palm where the scar was. That sent a sudden tingle through the lining of it, causing you to squirm slightly.

Alastor observed your reaction and glanced at your palm. "Did that cause any discomfort?" He frowned and looked back at you.

"No, I merely experienced an unusual tingling sensation, that is all." You shrugged. "It startled me slightly," you confessed.

"Hmm, strange." He questioned. "Shall we head to bed?" You decided to ignore it.

"I suppose." As he went to get up, you grabbed his hand. "Together."  You giggled.

"Not even 24 hours, my dear, and you're already trying to get me into bed with you?" He gasped jokingly.

In a lighthearted manner, you playfully rolled your eyes at that as he comfortably positioned himself beside you.

As you turned your back to him, Alastor simply drew closer, resulting in your back being pressed against his chest, with his arm securely wrapped around you.

You smiled slowly,  closing your eyes.

Next day

Alastor was hesitant to leave you for work, but you reassured him that you would be fine when informing Paul.

You found yourself pacing back and forth, anxiously awaiting the arrival of your soon to be ex-boyfriend.

A sudden knock on the door startled you, causing you to jump slightly.

Taking a deep breath to compose yourself, you opened the door to find Paul standing there with a neutral expression.

"Paul," you greeted him calmly.

With a sigh, he entered the room. "Why do I fell like this conversation will not be good" Paul muttered as you closed the door.

You briefly averted your gaze to the wooden floor before meeting his, your (e/c) eyes locking with his piercing ocean-blue ones.

"I've given some thoughts to what you said yesterday," you began, choosing your words carefully.

Paul maintained his unwavering gaze, silently indicating his attention.

"And," you continued, releasing a defeated sigh, "I must admit that you were right. My hesitation in progressing our relationship further is because I only see you as a friend, Paul. Therefore, I believe it would be in our best interests to go back to being that instead." You confessed, your gaze shifting away from his.

Criminal Love - Alastor X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now