Chapter 24 - Human Deal

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30 years old

After 2 years of trying, you and Alastor decided at 25 to stop after the amount of pain you endured during them both mentally and physically.

It has been 5 years now, and it is beginning to have a negative impact on your mental health each and every day.

Alastor first noticed when you abruptly resigned from your position at the diner.

You no longer greet him when he arrives home, and instead, he finds you in the same location every day on his return.

Upon arriving home, the radio host noticed that everything was exactly as he had left it earlier that day. Seeing that he had a few days off, he decided it would be a good opportunity to take some time to get you out of the house.

"(Y/N)?" Alastor gently knocked. He then opened the door to check. You were awake and sat up.

Your eyes met his gaze. "My dear, is there anything I can do? I'm becoming concerned." The brunette sighed.

You shook your head in disagreement. Alastor furrowed his eyebrows, choosing to sit next to you on the bed.

"Well, that is not true, my dear. You have not been eating properly or leaving this room. What is troubling you?"

You took a moment to reflect. "Everything was going well." You began. "So why am I suddenly cursed, with my body unable to perform its primary function? I have always envisioned having a caring husband who would be a better father to my children than my own father was. And I have found the most amazing loving man for that role."

You intertwined your hand with his.

"So why is it that god is punishing us? A child that would be loved and not have the father figure we had, but have two loving parents."

Alastor appears to be feeling remorseful and self-reproachful for his actions. He had the intention of confessing to you, but he lacked the courage to do so, fearing that it might endanger the stability of your marriage. He chose to conceal the truth through his sins instead.

"It is possible that I am responsible for this situation, as I am not without my own flaws. Perhaps he is punishing me by causing my lovely wife to suffer from depression, making you suffer for my horrible sins. You know me so well my love that you've normalised my... hobby as part of our routine that you don't bat an eyelash at me when I come home every night covered in blood, I know you stay away from my mother house with all the body parts and ritual being there. You know everything about me, yet you respect the boundaries and not dare mess with something you don't know of. Black magic is one of them, and I am so thankful you haven't fallen to it like I have. I've already accepted that I'm already going to hell for my acts up here, love. So god probably sees our baby as an abomination because of me..."

You looked concerned for a moment before gazing back regretfully at Alastor. You had been self-reproaching this entire time that you never considered Alastor's feelings. After all, this was his child as well.

"I feel like our time running out here," you truthfully admitted. "Like there's something planned for us somewhere else."

Alastor raised an eyebrow at you. "Oh yeah? What do you believe it to be?"

"I am still uncertain, but I am confident that one day I will become your guardian angel who's gonna have to save your killer ass one day."

"Language love!" Alastor playfully gasped as he chuckled, making you smile.

"I am delighted to see that smile again," he said with a sigh of relief as he gently stroked your cheek.

Your eyes met for a moment, and he continued, "You truly are an angel, my dear. You accept people for who they are, and you show love to everyone, even those with unpleasant qualities. Despite the fact that I personally find some people's behaviour distasteful, you always manage to smile and forgive."

You could not help but feel a tear roll down your face after hearing what he had said.

"Please do not cry, my dear, for one day we will have a child. It may not be in this universe, but someday. I promise you that."

"You promise?"

"My darling, do you truly wish to make a deal on that?" He chuckled softly.

"Perhaps it's a deal," you teased. After that response, your entwined hand suddenly sent an electric shock, causing both of you to recoil.

"Oww." You hissed.

"What the fuck?" Alastor muttered staring at his hand then to yours.

"What have we gotten ourselves into?" You chuckled nervously.

"We were only five (Y/N). We didn't know it would... bind us in this manner."

Alastor couldn't help but stare curiously at the green glow coming from his scar, as if he had truly sealed a pact with you.

He experienced an unprecedented and pleasant sensation within himself. Like he was in control of the situation.

"Alastor, your... eyes are -" Alastor snapped out of his haze and looked back at your concerned look. "Don't worry about it, my dear. I'm sure I can... find out something about this. For now, let's go make some food! I'm starved!" He exclaimed, pulling you right out of bed. "You have a bottomless pit for a stomach." You groaned.

"And you are assisting me with the cooking, my dear!" He smiled, not allowing you to remain in bed for another day.

With a gentle sigh, you let out a soft groan, feeling rather lethargic at the moment. "Uh, uh, uh," Alastor responded, pulling your cheeks up gently to encourage a smile on your face. "Much better!" He grinned, a wide smile gracing his face.

You observed a slight crimson shimmer in his gaze, evoking a sense of dread within you.

Simultaneously, Alastor tilted his head slightly, perceiving a distinct golden radiance in your eyes, exuding an aura of purity.

Dismissing this observation as a mere illusion. He courteously guided you to the kitchen, where you spent the night engaged in delightful dancing and singing.

The joyous laughter that resonated within the walls as you cherished this moment.

Criminal Love - Alastor X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now