Chapter 6 - Drunk

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"We are going out drinking bitches!" Elizabeth exclaimed with her arms raised in the air.

"Uh, elaborate on that as alcohol can be hard to find," Paul said.

"I am aware of a location," she responded with a casual shrug.

"Is this 'place' gonna kill us?" You asked with narrowed eyes.

"Probably." Elizabeth grinned.

"So reassuring." You mumbled.


There was a gentle knock at the door. "Come in," you said as you put on your heels.

Alastor entered the room and was about to speak when he noticed your formal attire.

"Where are you headed?" he inquired, discreetly observing you when you were not looking.

"Lizzy has kindly invited me out for drinks." You sighed as you stood up to check your appearance in the mirror.

"Isn't that a bit... risky?" Alastor frowned, his concern for your safety evident.

"If you're worried about me, you're welcome to join us," you chuckled, thinking he wouldn't agree to it.

Alastor was known to frequent expensive establishments that were beyond the reach of most people.

He had a strong preference for expensive whiskey, and I doubt this establishment serves anything but cheap beer and whatever else they can get their hands on.

"Hmm, I might just have to limit your intake. Have you ever tried such a drink, my dear?"

"No," you replied plainly. "Then I am most certainly coming..."


"Ladies, I believe it is time to stop. You have reached your limits." Alastor chuckled nervously. You and Elizabeth had just dared each other to flash your breasts.

Paul didn't encourage it nor wanted to stop you two, leaving the only sober one in the group to stop before it got worse.

"Excuse me," Lizzy exclaimed. "I believe it is time for us to return home, don't you agree?" Alastor inquired to Paul.

Paul merely shrugged. "I suppose I will take Lizzy since her residence is in close proximity to mine," Paul responded.

Alastor harboured a momentary suspicion. Why not your 'significant other', after all? He would have gladly escorted Elizabeth home if that were the case.

However, he refrained from expressing his concerns, as he did not wish for his best friend to be taken advantage of by her boyfriend.

"Very well, (Y/N)?"

"Mmm, yes, my bestie?" You giggled.

"Time to go home."

"No, why..." You whined as Alastor took your hands.

"You've reached your limits, darling. We're gonna get you home safely and in to bed."

"Oh, dear," you chuckled softly, feeling a bit unsteady on your feet. "I seem to have forgotten how to walk properly." You giggled to yourself, knowing that your sober self would be quite embarrassed by your current state.

"My dear," Alastor chuckled, amused by your intoxicated state.

While holding Alastor's hands firmly, you occasionally stumbled into him with a light chuckle.

After Alastor's foot had been inadvertently stepped on by you during the walk home, you both finally arrived at your house.

Alastor was grateful that your mother was away on business, leaving you alone at home. He was uncertain how to explain your current state to her.

Observing your struggles with the key, Alastor let out a sigh and chuckled softly. He then proceeded to assist you by unlocking the door and opening it for you.

"Please go to your room, my dear. I shall fetch you some water," Alastor said as you listened attentively.

With a blissful sigh, you removed your heels, relishing the liberation of your feet. You then tried to strip out of your dress, struggling to lift it over your head.

"Darling, I got you your-" Alastor abruptly halted his stride as his gaze encountered an unexpected sight. You've managed to take your dress off, leaving you in just your underwear.

"Can you help me. I can't find my clothes.." You pouted. Alastor paused momentarily, his gaze fixed on your form before he swiftly composed himself.

"Let me find you some in your wardrobe, darling."

He swallowed the lump forming in his throat as he was able to find your nightgown. As he turned around, you were sat on the bed with your leg crossed over, leaning back using your hands to support you.

"Here you go," Alastor said, refraining from looking down.

Alastor handed you the clothing and sat beside you. You gazed at him with rapt attention for a moment. "Is everything well, my dear?"

"Why are you so handsome?" you asked, catching him off guard.

"You have this captivating and alluring smile that you occasionally display. You attract the attention of all the ladies, yet you seem uninterested in it. Why is that?" you inquired, leaning closer.

Alastor was gradually distancing himself, exhibiting signs of agitation. You discreetly moved closer, inquiring if he had a particular individual in mind. "Is there someone?" You whispered.

Alastor's chest began to rise rapidly. He was exerting significant effort to maintain his composure and resist succumbing to the temptation.

⚠️ Minor sexual interaction ⚠️

"If you are not uncomfortable with the idea of kissing me, then do it." You suggested holding his hands. Alastor was too surprised to think or take control. His body was in shock

You pulled his hands over to your breasts.

Alastor stared to his hands, then back into your hypnotising (E/C)

Like there was a magnet between you, your lips suddenly  clashed, feeling the kiss become needy as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Alastor hands never left your breasts, massaging them.

As you withdrew from the kiss and gazed into his eyes, a sudden realization brought him back to his senses.

"(Y/N)... I can't. I can't do this." Alastor sighed, removing his hands, feeling the ultimate guilt. "You're drunk. This is wrong. I can't take advantage of you like this.."

Alastor was filled with a sense of shame as he realized that he had allowed his emotions to overwhelm him. He could feel himself gradually losing control of his own actions and thoughts with each passing day. In the midst of this turmoil, you emerged as the sole individual capable of preserving his sanity.

"Let's... get you to bed." He then mumbled shamefully as he left you in your drunken thoughts.

Criminal Love - Alastor X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now