Chapter 14 - Job

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22 years old

"Love, you do not have to get a job with what I earn."

You gave Alastor a playful glare. "I know that. It just gives me something to do whilst I'm lonely." You pouted.

"You can always come with me to work." He suggested finishing up the gumbo he was cooking. You were sitting on the counter with your leg crossed over the other one with your hands on either side of you leaning back.

It has become a daily occurrence for Alastor to stay and prepare meals for you, even spending the night. It could be said that he has effectively moved in, but you do not object to this arrangement.

"I'd get bored or annoy you. No offence." You chuckled as Alastor shook his head at that but had an amused smile on his face.

"I suppose sitting around listening to me chatter away is boring, don't you think?"

"How dare you twist my word." You mocked as he grinned at that.

"I know you enjoy listening to me every day. It is what makes me put on my best performance, after all."

"Oh, aren't you charming." You mused.

"Only for you." He cooed, pecking your cheek.

"Come now, my love, let's have something to eat."

Next day

*Waitresses needed*

"Hmm," you hummed, walking into the diner.

The diner, which holds fond memories of time spent with Alastor during childhood and with your ex friend and ex-boyfriend during school days, is a place of both good and bad memories.

Given its proximity to home, you decided to accept the part-time job offer, as it provided an opportunity to not be stuck at home all day alone.

Getting your first shift tomorrow, you waved the owner a goodbye and was off, not realising that you were there longer than you anticipated seeing the sun was setting.

Knowing Alastor should be home by now, you did leave him a note of your whereabouts in case you were out longer.

As you moved away from the city, passing the last block, you unexpectedly felt a sudden grip from behind. Your breath caught in your throat as a blade was pressed against your neck.

"Give me your money." The male whispered in your ear.

You slowly dropped your purse on the floor.

"Please... please don't hurt me... just take it all..." You whimpered, feeling your body shake in fear.

There was a pause for a moment. You suddenly found yourself unexpectedly on the ground. A soft exclamation escaped your lips due to the discomfort caused by the gravel against your knee.

You briefly observed the unfamiliar young man as your gazes met.

The male noticed and quickly grabbed you by your hair as you let out a cry, pressing the blade to your cheek.

"Say anything to the police and you're dead, got it?" He growled.

"I promise." You whispered, feeling the tears stream down your face.

He released his grip and ran off into the darkness of the night.

What seemed like an hour was actually only five minutes before your trembling body was ready to stand up and gradually make your way home.

As you reached the front door, you had difficulty opening it with your shaking hand, but you eventually managed to get a grip and open it.

You entered the room with a sense of dread, your heart racing with anxiety. The realisation that your life could have ended there if the individual had acted differently filled you with fear. You became lost in these thoughts, allowing them to obscure your vision and cloud your judgment.

"My dear, is something the matter?" Alastor furrowed his brow as he rose from his chair. He had been engrossed in his work at his desk when you entered the room, your body in a state of shock.


You were covered in dirt, and your knees were scraped up from the fall and struggle. Your hair was dishevelled. A bit of blood from the nick of the blade on your neck had dried.

Alastor stared at you with a worried expression, his anger seething within him at the thought of who had harmed you.

He didn't want to scare you.

"My dear, you appear to be quite shaken." Your gaze was locked, bloodshot from the evident shock you were experiencing.

Alastor fell silent, realising that his words were not reaching you. "Let's clean you up," he whispered.

With gentle hands, Alastor guided you towards the bathroom.

As he carefully undressed you. He led you inside the shower, not bothering he had his clothes on turning the water on.


Suddenly, you felt as if you had been jolted out of a trance, blinking several times as you met the gaze of your partner's warm, honey coloured eyes fixed upon you.

"Al?" You weakly choked out.

"I'm here, my dear. You are safe now," he reassured in a gentle and comforting tone, his hands resting on your shoulders.

"What happened?" He inquired again, apprehensive about the response as he started inspecting your body for any signs of marks or injuries.

"I was mugged and threatened with a knife for my... my purse. I thought I was gonna die Al, as the blade was pressed against my neck, and... and..." You choked up on your words.

Alastor drew you into an embrace as you clung to your partner now wet shirt. "Did he..." Alastor began.

"No, thankfully." You mumbled out. "He desired my money more than anything as if it were a desperate matter. So I let him take it."

"Did you... see what he looked like?" Alastor hummed.

You slowly looked up to him, noticing his composed demeanour.

"He was... young, Al..." you explained, still shaken.

"My dear, you just came in completely shocked and terrified. I can not allow that! If he chooses to behave like a mature adult by threatening you with a knife, then he must face the consequence of his actions as an adult."

You hesitated for a moment, realising that he would not give up. With a sigh, you gave in to his request. "Very well... I shall give you the location and description of his appearance."

Alastor responded by gently caressing your cheek with his thumb pressing his lips against your forehead.

After some time gazing into his captivating eyes, you came to the realisation that you were standing naked in the shower with him.

Your eyes widened as you felt your cheeks grow warm. Alastor observed your reaction and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm naked, aren't I?" You said not even attempting to look down.

"Have you just come to this realisation?" Alastor chuckled. He leaned in, almost closing the gap between you. "It's not as if I haven't seen it before, after all, Miss Lightweight," he whispered, respectfully reminding you of your actions.

"Urgh, do not -" You were interrupted as Alastor pressed his lips against yours, causing you to melt into the kiss. You felt his hands gently cup your cheeks as you let out a contented sigh.

Alastor pulled away, grinning. "You were saying? Hmm?"

You couldn't help but smile broadly, revealing your beautiful white teeth. "Kiss me again."

"Gladly." Alastor whispered, drawing you in for another kiss.

Despite the frequency of Alastor's kisses, you found yourself falling in love with him repeatedly, as if he were an irresistible addiction. The spark ignited within you, igniting a passionate response in your body.

Criminal Love - Alastor X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now