Chapter 25 - Mimzy

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Art Credit: hokallyart on Instagram

31 years old

"Where are we headed?" You furrowed your brows as Alastor chose to take you to a local bar he used to frequent in his early twenties.

He had been visiting less and less over the years due to the unfortunate events that transpired, including the loss of his mother and your depression. He thought it would be a good idea to stop by and visit an old friend who owned the establishment.

As you entered, you couldn't help but be taken aback by the sophisticated ambience of the bar, instantly recognising that it was a popular spot for the rich.

As you remained close to his arm, feeling a bit self-conscious in the presence of the affluent individuals displaying their exquisite jewellery and elaborate attire, you couldn't help but feel slightly underdressed

You forget that Alastor is a well-known radio host with a lucrative career. Perhaps this is because he has never allowed his fame and wealth to influence his behaviour, choosing instead to live a modest life in the home your mother left you after her passing.

"Don't be shy, I'm sure you'll fit in just fine." Alastor whispered, noticing your growing nervousness.

"Alastor? Alastor, my dear friend! Is that you?!" A small flapper dancer exclaimed with delight. "Mimzy!" Alastor responded, releasing your arm to embrace the petite blonde.

"It's wonderful to see you!" He pulled away from the embrace, leaving you perplexed since he dislikes physical contact from anyone other than you or his mother.

"Where have you been? It's been a long time since we've seen you around here! Will you be visiting more frequently?" "Why, of course' sweetheart, but first, let me introduce you to my wife." He beamed and gestured in your direction. You let out a nervous chuckle. "Hello..."

Mimzy was looking you up and down with a curious expression. She then put on a polite smile and said, "Well, aren't you charming." She grinned.

"May I offer you ladies a drink (Y/N)?"

"Surprise me." You politely gestured.

"My usual, please," Mimzy replied. "I'll be right back."

He appeared to be genuinely delighted to be present here. A part of you felt a sense of guilt that he could have had this life.

"So? You are the young lady he would always speak so fondly of. Hmm. I fail to see it." She chuckled as she leaned against the bar.

"What do you mean?" You frowned. "Listen, doll, don't take to any offence. But he could have done way better. Someone who could have given him more than what you could provide. Someone like me. I own this bar, sing and dance. You should see how your husband would watch me when he would come here frequently. He would pound down a couple of whisky and be the only ones to keep up with me on the dancefloor."

Of course she's a self centred bitch you thought. She's jealous Alastor attention not on her.

"He does take a good interest to talent I must admit." Growing the confidence seeing she was trying to belittle you for having one thing she wanted and you had.


"Although he has a great taste in selecting his women, too." you said with a mischievous grin.

Mimzy narrowed her eyes and growled at that. Before Mimzy could say anything, Alastor returned with the drinks.

"Here ya go." Passing you your (F/D) and Mimzy usual. As per always, Alastor had his usual rye.

Criminal Love - Alastor X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now