Chapter 17 - Wedding

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A few months later

"Oh my... baby, look at you!" Tara cooed as you looked away from the mirror meeting your new mother gaze.

"I'm scared." You uttered in a hushed tone. "Why, love?" Tara raised her eyebrows in concern as she stood beside you.

"I... I..." You let out a defeated sigh, taking a moment. "Alastor is a sophisticated and famous radio host of New Orleans, and it is likely that his career will continue to grow. As for myself, I am simply... well, me. I fear that if he were to marry me, it would damage his reputation."

Tara erupted into laughter, grasping your shoulders. "My sweet girl, look at yourself." She gestured for you to look back at the mirror as you gazed at your reflection.

"You are undeniably captivating. Only you were able to capture his attention through love. I was concerned that my son would not comprehend the true essence of love through a relationship with someone, but my dear, you have demonstrated that. He cherishes you and would do anything to maintain that smile on your face. He does not care about other people opinions. You are his world. Always keep that in mind," she reassured.

You smiled lightly, looking at Tara through the reflection.

"Thank you, Tara."

"Please call me Mama." She smiled warmly, revealing her beautiful teeth as she offered you a friendly side hug.

Subsequently to that comforting moment with your mother-in-law, you gently lowered your gaze to the pendant that you wore, which held a cherished photograph of your mother holding you as an infant.

You held the oval golden metal in your hand. "I hope you are proud of me, mother... I wish you were here." You sighed, holding back the tears.

"She will be proud of her little girl. Don't you worry." Tara reassured you, giving you a sad smile.

After a brief moment of silence, Tara gently took your arm.

"I believe it's time to meet your soon to be husband. Don't you think?" she said.

Taking a deep breath, you nodded in agreement.

"Let us proceed before I faint" you jested lightly, eliciting a chuckle from Tara.

"Come, my dear girl," she said affectionately.

You followed Tara as she gracefully guided you down the stairs and towards the closed double doors.

All of these arrangements were a delightful surprise, as Alastor had planned every detail, leaving you with the sole responsibility of selecting your wedding dress and veil.

Of course, he insisted on providing you with the money. This led to a constant back and forwards, yes and no, until you eventually accepted it.

"Are you ready, my dear?" Tara whispered softly.

You nodded your head slowly, maintaining a firm grip on your mother-in-law's arm.

As you entered the room, the melodious strains of the piano filled the air, causing your heart to race and your grip on Tara's arm to tighten.

The sudden opening of the door announced your presence, and all eyes turned towards you. For a fleeting moment, you felt paralyzed, unaccustomed to being the focus of attention.

A wave of anxiety washed over you, but then your gaze met those captivating honey coloured orbs, and a sense of calm enveloped you.

Alastor stood there in a captivating black suit. The smile on his face as he gazed down at his wife, how stunning you appeared.

Witnessing his mother escort his lover down the aisle made him feel incredibly fortunate to have the two women he cherished in his life. He vowed to protect them.

Your eyes remained fixed on him, as if an invisible force drew you closer to him. It was as if the two of you were the only ones in the room, oblivious to everyone else around you.

Tara observed the look you two exchange with a gracious smile.

You two were simply just perfect for each other.

As you finally made it down the aisle. Tara placed a quick kiss upon your cheek before passing you over to her son, as she graciously took your bouquet.

Alastor, with a profound gaze fixed upon your (e/c) eyes, held your hands and expressed, "My dear, words fail me in conveying the depth of my admiration. You have truly taken my breath away."

A smile graced your lips as you held back tears while the priest commenced the ceremony.

Admittedly, your attention was solely captivated by the eyes of your partner, rendering you oblivious to the priest's words.

Exchanging heartfelt vows, you managed to recite them without succumbing to tears.

Alastor gently slipped the wedding band back onto your finger, only cherishing the ring he gave you when he proposed.

You reciprocated by placing the ring you had chosen with the help of Tara for him onto his ring finger.

"I present to you a united couple, husband and wife. You may now seal your vows with a kiss," the priest instructed.

Without hesitation, Alastor drew you into a tender dip, pressing his lips against yours in a kiss that conveyed a multitude of emotions.

Everyone erupted in cheers and applause as you slowly pulled away. "Finally, I can call you my wife," he mumbled, and you smiled broadly at that. "I love you," you whispered affectionately. "I love you too," he whispered back, pecking your lips before straightening you back up.

He then took your hand in his as you walked back down the aisle, exiting the church officially as husband and wife.


Alastor and you were gently swaying, holding one hand together, as his other hand rested on your hip while your other hand rested on his shoulder.

You were staring into each other's eyes soaking this moment in.

"Al." You started with.

"Hmm, yes, my love?"

"Why... did you take my last name?"

You had a conversation before. You were gladly gonna take his. After all, you had your mother last name and not your father.

"Well, I preferred yours, and... I did not want something that reminded me of my father. It was the last thing to let go, something unfortunately my mother could not do. I just wish she would finally understand that the love that man showed her was not genuine." He sighed.

You smiled sadly, understanding. "She knows what love is, Al, and that was when you were born. I believe your father may have felt a twinge of jealousy when her attention shifted towards you. After all, you are her little boy."

As you both gently turned your gaze towards Tara, you noticed her radiant smile as she observed her son embarking on the next chapter of his life. It was evident that she was experiencing a bittersweet moment, filled with pride and a touch of sadness as she let him go, knowing that one day he too would create his own family.

You both gazed back into each other's eyes. "Well, I would suggest you move in with me, but it appears you have already done so," you teased. Alastor chuckled lightly at that.

He pressed his forehead against yours. You slowly closed your eyes, humming to the song, savouring the moment.

With your eyes fluttering open, you felt Alastor gently lift you up in a bridal style. A soft giggle escaped your lips as you instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck, seeking comfort and security in his embrace.

"Well, Mrs. (L/N), I'm happy to be Mr (L/N) to you."

You smiled at that, allowing the music to fill the silence.

"You're never fully dressed without a smile." He softly sang before closing the gap, his lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss. You both savoured the moment, not wanting it to end.

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