Chapter 16 - Engagement

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Art credit: @_nedned_x on twitter

As you strolled back from your job at the diner, you couldn't help but hum a cheerful tune.

After a week of much-needed rest, you were eager to resume your job.

Initially, Alastor expressed some disagreement, fearing that you might contract another illness from the potentially unsanitary streets.

However, you managed to alleviate his concerns by assuring him that you would maintain a safe distance from anyone who appeared unwell and always wash your hands after touching any surfaces.

As you strolled along the tranquil street, you foolishly allowed a sense of overconfidence to cloud your judgment, knowing who the killer is.

However, it was unwise to lower your guard, for there were still other dangerous individuals lurking within these very streets.

As you turned a corner, a pair of arms yanked you back as you yelped in surprise.

"Hey there, sweetness. Are you looking for some action?" A man slurred as you pushed his hands off in disgust.

"Get your filthy hands off of me." You sneered as the drunk narrowed his eyes. "Who do you think you're talking to like that?" He growled as he grabbed you by your collar, lifting you in the air like you weighed nothing.

You were squirming, kicking your legs, trying to wiggle out when suddenly he dropped you as he let out a gasp suddenly falling forward.

Alastor was standing behind the man, holding a knife that was now stained with blood.

"Oh, thank goodness." You exhaled in relief.

"Are you alright, my dear?" Alastor inquired as he extended a hand.

You accepted his assistance as he helped you to your feet. "I am now." You smiled.

"Oh, how I admire you." Alastor murmured affectionately, leaning in as your lips were about to touch.

Suddenly, a loud crash interrupted the moment as a figure emerged from the shadows in a state of panic, locking eyes with both of you.

"Shit." Alastor stated as you gasped.

The individual rose and fled.

Alastor pursued him swiftly before he could reach the police.

Your heart raced as you made the decision to change your course in order to intercept the person.

Fortunately, you discovered a path that led to the main path just as the man was running towards you.

In a swift response, you leapt onto him, causing him to yelp in surprise and fall to the ground.

Alastor swiftly approached, noticing you atop the man. "Alastor, please hurry!" You urged.

The man shoved you off, making you yelp to the sudden contact of the floor grabbing a pocket knife out his pocket as Alastor stabbed the poor stranger. The man was able to swing, stabbing his pocket knife into Alastor shoulder as the radio host yelped in surprise.

The man gradually descended to the ground, losing blood as you observed with widened eyes.

"God dammit!" You heard Alastor growl taking his knife out of the stranger body. "Let's go before someone else sees us. I'm gonna have to leave them now." He growled in frustration.

With a gentle touch, you place your hand on his back and suggest, "Let's attend to your shoulder injury." As you gaze into his eyes, you notice a subtle shift from red to honey coloured orbs.

He lowers his gaze to meet yours briefly before responding, "Yes, let's return." With a sigh, he extends his uninjured arm and wraps it around your shoulders.


"My dear, your impulsive defence on me is admirable and concerning." Alastor responded with a chuckle, surprising you with his calm reaction to the knife being pulled out. He swiftly cleaned and stitched the wound himself like it was second nature to him.

You merely shrugged and said, "He was about to expose you, and I was afraid of losing you," as Alastor looked on at you with so much love that he had someone who had his back even if he was a serial killer.

Both of you were seated on a chair in the centre of the kitchen as you proceeded to wrap a bandage around the affected area.

You couldn't help but glance at your partner exposed top half, glancing down every once in a while, soaking in his toned yet slim figure.

"My dear, your face is becoming quite flushed," Alastor remarked, a hint of amusement evident in his voice.

"Shut up," you muttered under your breath as you completed the final touches.

"There," you said as you cleaned up the mess.

Alastor stood up slowly, stretching his arm. "Be cautious, do not damage my masterpiece," you advised, not wanting him to pop any of those stitches as well.

"Oh, it's simply fine, my dear," he said, standing in just his work pants.

You couldn't help but stare at your partner as Alastor noticed. "Please close your mouth, dear, or you might attract flies," he chuckled as you felt your cheeks burning.

You turned around to put the med bag away and closed the cupboard door. As you turned back around, you let out a quick scream when you saw Alastor suddenly standing in front of you.

"Al-" You cut were cut off feeling his lips smash against yours as you melted into it, shocked but not complaining leaving you trapped against the counter, his hands resting on your hips as your hands were pressed against his bare chest.

The kiss was intense and passionate as you explored each other mouth. Your tongue was fighting for dominance, knowing Alastor would still win.

Just as you were lacking some oxygen, Alastor slowly pulled away, leaving both of you breathless.

You stared into each other eyes soaking in the small intimate moment you had, trusting each other, although it didn't go farther. It was more than enough for the both of you.

Alastor gently brushed a stray hair away from your face, leaving his hand resting on your cheek in a comforting gesture.

He was gazing with such profound passion and affection, his honey coloured eyes sparkling as they fixated upon his beloved.

"Would you do me the honour of marrying me?" Alastor softly uttered, his voice filled with anticipation.

Your eyes widened in surprise as you watched him unexpectedly get down on one knee and pull out a ring from his pocket.

"I would be honoured if you would consider spending the rest of our lives together as husband and wife. Even beyond this life, I can not bear the thought of being separated by death or illness. My love for you, (Y/N), is boundless and eternal. I... I love you."

Your eyes welled up with tears as a smile spread across your face.

Alastor, who had always struggled to express using the word love, finally uttered the three words you had been longing to hear.

"Yes! Of course I'll marry you." you responded, your voice trembling with delight as tears of joy cascaded down your cheeks.

Alastor's shoulders relaxed as he gently took your left hand and slipped the ring onto your finger.

It fit perfectly, as if it had been crafted specifically for you. Tara had informed her son that the ring possessed the remarkable ability to adjust its size to fit the hand of the destined wearer.

Her words proved true.

Alastor stood up, cupping your cheeks as he drew you into a prolonged and passionate kiss.

After the challenging week he had endured, witnessing your unwavering support and selfless actions that evening, he could no longer contain his desire.

He yearned for you to be his, forever and always.

Criminal Love - Alastor X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now