Chapter 8 - Father

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20 years old

It was challenging to resist a smile upon hearing your preferred voice over the radio. Despite his cheerful demeanour and detailed explanations about the victims' mutilated bodies from the New Orleans serial killer.

Whatever brings him joy, you thought. You were pleased that he achieved his dream job. Alastor rose to fame quickly for a young man like himself.

You were preparing to meet Alastor outside later, as he wanted to introduce you to a bar he had taken an interest in.

As you checked yourself over, trying to appear somewhat affluent, you felt nervous about this place.

You left the room, completely oblivious to the commotion that had occurred during your time smiling at your radio while listening to the voice of your best friend, as his voice was captivating and alluring.

"Mother. I am going to the bar with Alastor. Have you seen the-"

You froze upon seeing someone hovering over your mother body as you saw the knife being ripped from her chest, blood now staining the hardwood flooring.

As you made eye contact with those eyes.

You realised it was your father.

"(Y/N), my sweet little girl. There you are!" He chuckled darkly, standing up like he didn't just gut your mother out a few seconds ago.

You were speechless and emotionally overwhelmed by the unexpected and distressing event that unfolded in front of you.

Your body entered a state of shock, preventing you from uttering a single word or shedding tears.

It felt as if your heart had plummeted to the depths of your stomach, and your mind struggled to comprehend the gravity of what you had just witnessed.

Was he the serial killer?

The unexpected motion caused your body to react abruptly, resulting in the release of a blood curling scream, the tears streaming down like a waterfall.

"Come back immediately!" he commanded sternly.
You swiftly made your way towards the main door and managed to open it, but were abruptly yanked back by your hair, causing your back to collide with the wooden floor. A sharp intake of breath escaped your lips as you let out a stifled sob.

"15 years your mother fucking hid you and I finally found you and get what I want!"

What did he mean by that?

"Let's go bitch, he's waiting."

Waiting? who...

You let out anothet scream as he was dragging you by your ankles, your fingers clawing at the wooden floor trying to grip on to it. "Shut up!" You rolled to your back as he swung his knife slashing your arm.

"Help!" You exclaimed, expressing your distress and discomfort. "Please stop," you begged, attempting to prevent further escalation.

The sound of heavy footsteps, indicative of someone running, drew your father's attention and prompted him to take action. He had his knife out ready.


Alastor heard your blood-curdling scream emanating from his home, causing his heart to race with concern. He quickened his pace, his mind racing with thoughts of potential dangers and scenarios, determined to protect you from any harm.

The radio host came to a standstill upon observing the circumstances. You were lying on the ground, visibly injured and bearing signs of physical altercation with an unidentified individual beside you with a raised knife above. He noticed your mother body bleeding out on the floor a few feet away.

As he gazed, something within him seemed to snap. The world around him faded into obscurity, and the voices that once surrounded him receded into a distant echo. His vision slowly succumbed to darkness.

You sensed a shift in the atmosphere, a sudden chill that sent shivers down your spine.

The previously admired honey brown eyes gradually transformed into a noticeably brighter hue, causing concern as Alastor's eyes took on a distinct red coloration.

"What the fuck are you?" Your father muttered to him.

"Your worse nightmare, I'm about to end your fucking life for touching my little belle." Alastor stated that only this held a more ominous smile.

"Al..." You whispered, no longer recognising him. He does not use profanity...

Unfortunately, he was unable to hear, as his ears were ringing in anticipation of fulfilling his duties of his blood lust needs of touching what he considers his.

Your father swung first making the first mistake as Alastor pulled out his knife swinging at his wrist, a scream came out from the old man dropping his weapon to grip on to his wound to prevent himself from bleeding out.

Alastor was far from finished sending the man flying with one kick to the stomach.

This gave you a chance to crawl away into a corner bringing your knees up to your chest watching as your best friend of 15 years became an unrecognisable killer as you watched as the man you once called your father was stabbed and slashed by the man you've known since you were kids.

The unsettling laughter that emanated from him caused concern within you.

You looked away not wanted to watch anymore burying your face into your knees trying to ignore the agonising screams from your father hearing his life end.

Suddenly, you felt a hand gently touch your arm. As you slowly lifted your gaze through your blurred vision, you saw Alastor respectfully crouching in front of you with blood splattered over his face and clothing.

"My dear, you are injured," Alastor stated with concern as you gradually lowered your gaze to your arm, having momentarily forgotten about it. As you attempted to look over his shoulder, he gently obstructed your view. "My love, it would be better if you did not see it," he murmured softly. You met his gaze, your eyes locking onto his warm, honey-colored orbs.

"My mother dead isn't she?" You suddenly asked feeling the tears fall again.

Alastor heart broke seeing you in this state. "I'm afraid she is, I didn't feel a pulse... I'm so sorry darling."

"Why... why did he kill her? He used to love my mother and he... he killed her. "For what purpose?" You inquired, your voice strained. "To trade me for financial gain? As if I were an object to pawn?" You shook your head abruptly, your hands instinctively finding their way into your hair.

Alastor remained silent, allowing you to express your emotions fully. Your body began to tremble as the realisation set in that you had lost both parents and your entire family.

"Oh my gosh... I'm... I'm alone here. My mother dead. My mother is...."

You let out a pained cry as you finally screamed, releasing the pent-up anger. Unable to bear seeing you in such distress, Alastor pulled you into a comforting embrace as you went limp in his arms, the pain in your chest becoming unbearable.

"Let it out, love, let it out." Alastor whispered, rocking you slowly. That evening, you displayed a level of vulnerability that Alastor had never witnessed before.

The scream you let out terrified him, and he never wants to see you in such a state again. He doesn't want you to ever feel that way again.

Criminal Love - Alastor X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now