Chapter 28 - Welcome to Heaven

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91 years later

Mother, please don't make me do this," you pleaded.

Maria couldn't meet your gaze. She knew she had to go through with it, or she would risk losing her daughter again.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart... but if we don't go through with this. They will banish you to hell. I can't simply allow my sweet little girl to live in that abomination!"

For a brief moment, you experienced a surge of annoyance, understanding that her actions were unintentional as she was unaware Alastor was there.

Just as you were about to speak, Tara walked in.

"Mama! Please, please get them to stop this. I can't go through with this. I refuse to be his 3rd wife. I'm already married... to your son! Please..." You begged feeling the tears well up.

"I... we can't stop it, my dear. It's out of our hands." Tara whispered apologetically. "Mama..."

Tara cupped your cheeks in your hands. "My darling, it's your choice to make. If... if you think he's down there since it's been 91 years... then find him."


"Maria enough! We've had our time with her. It's only fair that she gets reunited with her husband." She hummed.

"How do we even know he's down there?" Maria argued.

Tara briefly gazed into your eyes, causing you to avert your gaze.

"He did something, didn't he?" Tara quietly uttered.

With a swift look, she noticed the sadness in your eyes. "Oh, my dear boy..." "I am deeply sorry, Tara..." You whispered as a tear fell. "I made a promise to him. He did not want you to feel disappointed in him and instead wanted you to remember him as your sweet and innocent boy." You choked out.

Tara let out a defeated sigh. "He still is, I don't care what sin he's committed. It's important for both of you to be reunited. And you... have your chance."

As you looked over to your mother, she had tears welling up in her eyes.

"Mother, I love him."

"I understand your decision, and I respect it," Maria said, her voice filled with sadness. "Just know that we love you and will miss you dearly."

You swiftly approached your mother and embraced her affectionately. "I love you, mother." "I love you too, my dear child."

Tara approached at a leisurely pace and embraced you from behind, savoring this precious moment in your mother's embrace.

It was soon interrupted by one of the exorcist angel rudely barging in. "Adam request for your presence Miss (L/N)" "That Mrs (L/N) to you." You snarled. "Not for long." She grinned, walking away.

With one last look. You bid your mother's fair well.

As you stumbled outside trying to find Adam most likely grabbing himself a slushie or something with his bitch of a litenuant. You couldn't stand her, and you wouldn't be surprised if those two were screwing as well.

"(Y/N)!" Emily exclaimed as she flew over bringing you into a hug.

You were Emily nanny given you more closure to the Seraphim and knowing some secrets that as a winner you should not know.

"You look absolutely stunning!" She beamed, gazing at you in your angelic wedding dress. You smiled gratefully at her, wishing she knew the truth but not wanting to dampen her spirits or her vision of heaven's capabilities.

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