Chapter 13 - It's Over

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"It's because of him, isn't it?" He suddenly yelled, making you flinch a little from the raised voice.

Taking a moment to compose yourself, you focus your attention with determination.

"You love him, don't you? It's always been him. 3 years, and you wasted my time. Well good thing I fucked Lizzy during that."

Both your eyes widened to that. "You what?" You said letting out a rather dark chuckle.

"Although I have feelings for Alastor, I never slept with him. And you had sex with our friend! Is that what she meant? You didn't save yourself? Honestly, Paul just leave. I think it's rather clear we are through at this point." You yelled.

"So that's it? Wow, clearly, you are really in love with him. Don't know what you see in him, to be honest." He mumbled under his breath.

"What did you say?" You inquired, feeling a sense of protectiveness.

"He has a reputation for being charming and flirtatious. Have you not observed his interactions with his fans and their behaviour? I've noticed him developing a friendship with a woman at that exclusive club, and I wouldn't be surprised if he's fucking her."

"You really are pissed that we're through you only go and talk crap about Alastor. He's everything you're not. So get out you cheating bastard!"

A loud smack echoed the living room feeling your head snap to the side. Your eyes widened to the stinging on your cheek feeling tingly.

"(Y/N)... I... I didn't mean-"

"Please leave, Paul..." You whispered, not daring to look at him, feeling the tears welling up in your eyes.

"(Y/N), doll please I didn't mean to-"



You were now going back and forwards with what felt like hours, Paul not accepting the news.

You were now rubbing your temples in irritation.

"Paul, it's over. Just leave. I thought we could remain as friends but if it's gonna be like this, I can't... I can't have someone who will not accept the break up as mutual, you also just hit me. I... I just need you to leave, ok?" You softly spoke.

"We can work something out, if you'd like. Perhaps we could give it a try and see how you feel about it?" He exclaimed with a hint of excitement.

He gently placed his hands on your shoulders and gave you a gentle shake. "Let's try it and see how we feel then, shall we?" He said, almost pleading.

"Paul I-"

You were cut off feeling his lips press against yours forcefully, his hands creeping under your top.

With enough strength you pulled him away. "Stop! I don't want this!"

"C'mon... you know you do."

He's crazy...

You felt yourself being pressed against  the wall, pinning your arms against the wall as he pressed himself into you bringing his lips back on to yours.

You tried wiggling from his grip as he departed his lips trailing it down your neck.

"Paul! Stop! I don't!" You croaked out.

"Sure you do... afterall. It's not like we've made out multiple times, I only wanna explore more with you." He whispered darkly.

You felt a tear roll down your cheek.

"C'mon doll, don't cry. It'll be fun." He chuckled as he leaned in for a kiss.

He was unexpectedly pulled off of you as you let out a gasp like you could breath.

Alastor immediately threw a punch, striking Paul in the face and causing him to fall to the ground unexpectedly.

Alastor wasn't finished as he climbed on top of the man grabbing him by his shirt and throwing punches to his face repeatedly with his other hand.

After taking a brief moment to regain your composure, you swiftly rushed forward and caught his arm mid-swing, causing the radio host to pause as his gaze met yours.

"Alastor, please stop. Let him go," you whispered gently. Alastor's expression softened as he listened to your pleas, and he stood back up.

Paul groaned on the floor, clutching his face in pain. His nose was likely broken.

"I suggest you leave, and never EVER return back here again." Alastor sneered, straightening his jacket.

As Paul made eye contact with you. Alastor pulled you closer to him as a sign.

"I fail to understand the qualities you find appealing in him." He managed to say again.

Paul managed to get to his feet and stumbled out of your house.

As soon as you heard the door shut. You immediately walked over to the sofa, letting out a cry collapsing onto the soft cushion. 

Without delay, Alastor rushed over where you were sitting on the sofa, hunched over with your hands covering your face.

"Love?" Alastor whispered as he crouched down in front of you. He felt a pang of sorrow in his heart as he saw you in this state. The last time you had been so broken was when your mother passed away.

As you slowly lifted your head, Alastor's breath caught in his throat when he finally saw the mark on your cheek that he didn't even notice during his rage at Paul. A combination of anger and sadness swirled within him once more.

Noticing Alastor's internal struggle reflected in the slight flicker of his eyes, you gently took his hands in yours, effectively calming him.

"For me, please don't kill him." You said knowing what he was thinking of. "I can't promise you that he shouldn't have laid a hand on you. He just tried to take advantage of you if i didn't intervene." He said through gritted teeth.

"It was a heated moment. Things were said and expressed impulsively." You attempted to provide an explanation.

"There is no justification for striking and assaulting a woman," he asserted firmly.

Sensing the tension in his body, You sought comfort and understanding through an embrace. Alastor reciprocated, wrapping his arms around me.

"I understand, Al. Just.. please, for me? His jealousy was directed towards you all along," you whispered discreetly.

Alastor exhaled deeply before releasing the embrace. He gently brushed his thumb across the mark, causing you to wince slightly.

"He is lucky. That's all I did to him," Alastor muttered, respecting your wishes.

As he gazed into your (e/c) eyes, a gentle smile gradually spread across your face.

"May I have a kiss?" you inquired. Alastor responded with a soft chuckle and leaned in, bridging the gap between you.

Your lips met in a passionate kiss that ignited a racing pulse and an inexplicable connection. A tingling sensation lingered on your lips as if destiny had intertwined your souls, promising an eternal bond.

As you departed, you couldn't help but let a smile grace your face.

This felt more appropriate.

"That smile is truly captivating," Alastor remarked with a satisfied sigh.

He then proceeded to stand up after giving you a brief kiss on the cheek.

"I think we should head out. What do you say? A swim? Hmm?" He said, smiling with one eyebrow raised to lighten the mood.

"I would like that very much." You replied, smiling at your now boyfriend.

You were finally his.

Criminal Love - Alastor X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now