Chapter 22 - Sickness

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You heard the front door open and close, "Darling, I'm home." Alastor voice echoed through your small home.

You decided to stay put with your head still in the toilet bowl, where you have been for most of the day.

As you were about to respond, you felt a sudden wave of nausea hit. "Oh god..." you mumbled as you released the contents of your stomach into the toilet.

The bathroom door opened, and Alastor peered inside, having heard the noise from the other side.

"Ma chérie?" he whispered, a frown forming on his face.

Alastor placed a hand on your back in a reassuring manner, his gaze filled with concern.

"I'm fine," you managed to say, catching your breath with some effort.

"Darling, you appear unwell," Alastor remarked as you gradually raised your head to meet his gaze.

"Oh, my love..." He gently placed the back of his hand against your forehead. "You seem rather pale and damp." He let out a sigh.

"Have you been here all day?" Alastor asked as you slowly nodded.

"Right. Let's get you cleared up. I'm gonna find a bucket for you. I'm not having you lay here in the bathroom all day." He mumbled.

As you felt utterly exhausted, you gently rested your forehead back against the toilet lid.

Alastor noticed your state and carefully lifted you up in a bridal style. Your head naturally fell into his chest as you curled up, feeling your eyelids gradually drooping.

Alastor paused for a moment, his gaze fixed on you. He was deeply worried about your health, having experienced the pain of almost losing you to an illness and witnessing his mother's tragic demise due to organ failure.

Understandably, he couldn't help but fear even the slightest ailment that might befall you, as the trauma of those past events lingered in his mind.

Alastor gently placed you in bed, allowing your weary body to rest. He softly kissed your forehead before quietly excusing himself, lost in thoughts on what to do next.

Next day

You emerged from the bathroom, offering Alastor a weak smile.

Alastor had been jolted awake by your sudden movement from the bed and was now sitting up.

"Did I wake you up?" you inquired in a hoarse voice, collapsing back onto the bed, crawling into his open arms.

"My dear, you practically vaulted over me in your haste to reach the bathroom," he chuckled softly, causing you to giggle at the image of his bewildered expression.

A moment of silence filled the room before Alastor spoke again.

"Love, I strongly advise you to see a doctor." He sighed, squeezing you closer to his chest.

He was prepared to make his mother tea if he had to.

"I'm just feeling a bit fatigued," you mumbled.

"Dear, you've been experiencing frequent vomiting every morning for a good week now. And - oh..." Alastor trailed off, his voice suddenly hushed.

Curious, you looked up at him. "Alastor?"

"Ma chérie, when did your last menstrual cycle occur?" he inquired gently.

After a moment of thinking, your eyes widened in realisation. "It's been about six weeks," you responded with a slight stutter.

Typically, your menstrual cycle arrives every month, with occasional delays of a few days at most.

As your gazes met, a thought crossed your mind. "Is there a possibility that I am pregnant?" you asked, your voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Uh, potentially." Alastor nervously chuckled.

Since your first time, you had been having sex almost every day like you were a deer in heat. Protection wasn't mentioned nor was having children either. You enjoyed the intimacy you shared, maybe a little too much that you became reckless.

"In my defence, you have been ambushing me every time I return home." Alastor contended, causing you to playfully strike his chest.

"Didn't tell me to stop when I sucked your cock yesterday before work." You mumbled. "I could say the same thing when you let me bend you over and fuck you from behind against our dining table last week." Alastor shot back chuckling seeing the dark shade of red on your cheeks.

"Jesus we have a problem now."

Alastor merely shrugged. He was pleased to have enjoyed it after postponing it for some time. It was not a subject that particularly piqued his interest.

Maybe it was just you he'd only ever have sex with. But the thought of doing it with other people disgusted him nor made him a single bit aroused by it.

However, with you, it was distinct. Perhaps it was the profound connection and unbreakable bond you both shared. He firmly believed that the two of you were soulmates, destined to be together for eternity.

"And that addiction would only ever be with you," Alastor whispered softly.

You responded with a loving smile towards your husband.

In that moment, you felt like the most fortunate person in the world.

"I'll go do a test at the doctor office tomorrow then." "Do you need me to come with?"

"I should be fine, Al. we won't know for a while until a letter comes through."

"Very well, my dear."

few days later

Alastor had just arrived home from the station, you were standing there patiently holding the results in your hand.

Alastor met your gaze, pausing for a moment. "Is that?.."

You nodded your head slowly. Alastor walked over until he was in front of you. "Are you ready to find out?" you said, feeling a bit nervous.

"Let's hear the results, my dear," Alastor asked eagerly.

You opened the letter, quickly reading it before looking at him.

"Al...I... I am expecting a child," you said with surprise.

Alastor's eyes widened, and he was unsure how to react to the news. He was certainly nervous, excited, and confused.

You gently cupped his face in your hands, "You are going to be a wonderful father, sweetheart. This child will be so fortunate to have a father like you in their life. You are not that man." You reassured him.

Alastor face softened.

"I love you, Alastor."

This provided Alastor with a sense of comfort and relief.

Suddenly, he grabbed you by your hips, lifting you up as you let out a joyful squeal. You found yourself suspended in the air. You held tightly onto his shoulders as he spun you around with great enthusiasm.

"Oh, we're gonna be parents." Alastor laughed, bringing you down into a kiss as you melted into it, smiling from the joy vibrating from your husband.

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