Chapter 63 - The Wendigo ( part 2 )

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3rd person's POV

Scott and Kate could both hear the distant chatter of people as they went on at being totally unaware of the possible danger they were in right now.

But at that moment, it seemed that they were safe for now since the wendigo was still a bit busy with the teens.

Some tears were still streaming down Kate's face as she couldn't believe what had happened to her boyfriend which also nearly happened to her. And now, she was also worried at what could happen to Chase and his friends cause they were currently trying to save her from that dark fate.

Undoubtedly putting themselves in danger of themselves getting caught in the webs of death itself.

"Is Chase gonna be okay by himself??" She quietly asked.

"Well he's already been near to death's door the last time so I don't really believe that anything would be far worse other than..." Scott stopped himself when he clearly saw the state that she was truly in which he wasn't able to see a while ago since they were busy running.

"I'm sorry about what happened to the guy you were with." She looked a bit taken back when he said that. "Before Chase sped off to where you were after catching your scent, he kinda mentioned that he also caught a guy's scent along with yours. I just... I'm sorry."

"His name was Robby. He's actually the longest relationship that I managed to keep." She said with a ghost of a smile before it disappeared almost instantly. "Was."

A heavy silence then came between them as they continued to carefully walk back towards the park's main area.

Scott tried to think of something that would at least lessen the feeling, but tried as he did he couldn't think of anything to say.

"You know, I'm sure that Chase is gonna come speeding up to any second. Which honestly, still kinda freaks me out a bit." He said. Changing the subject as well as trying to lighten things up.


"What was that??" Kate asked as they both stopped when they heard the almost grim sound nearby. "Do you think it's Chase?? Maybe he managed to stop it."

"If it was him, I'd think he'd let you and I know." Scott pointed out as he continuously looked around.

"Guys?? Are you there??" They then heard their friend's voice nearby.

"Or maybe I was wrong." Scott added and was about to call out to him when Kate quickly stopped him.

"Wait." She said before whispering to him as quietly as she could possibly could. "I-I.. I don't think it's him."

Scott quickly caught on to what she might have been referring to. And immediately, went back to being on alert as they wearily tried to look for the source of the voice.

"Chase, where's the wendigo man??" Scott asked.

"I don't know. I was fighting it when it managed to snag my leg." The reply came. "I don't know why it didn't finish me off but it just went and ran along the direction of where you guys went to."

"Where are you??"

"I'm right here. I'm just glad I found you guys before it did but my leg's just really killing me right now." The voice replied.

"I'm sorry man but... I need you to come out of there so we can see you." Scott told him to do as they both narrowed in that the voice was coming from the treeline.

For a moment, there wasn't an answer. Making the two teens feel even more uneasy as the felt some moving coming from the direction of where they were looking at.

Realize: Legacies| Book 3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz