Chapter 4 - Meeting New Faces

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Xavier's POV

Waking up today, I wasn't exactly a happy camper as I slowly sat up on my bed with my whole body being sore from what happened last night.

Flash Back

It was the most painful thing that I had ever felt.

Bones breaking and reattaching themselves, my body heating up along with the fast beating of my heart as my very first shift was taking place.

"Almost there Xavier. Just a little bit more and it'll be over." My wolf, Ilios, encouraged as I felt fur starting to sprout throughout my body.

Soon enough, I felt the pain slowly leaving me as I went to gingerly open my eyes.

The first thing that I tried to do was get myself off of the ground.

"Thank the Goddess it's over." I thought to myself before looking up to see that Lucas, as well as mom, dad and the others were looking at me with widened eyes.

Other pack members also stared at me in bewilderment as to which I had idea on why??

"Guys?? What's wrong??" I asked them through our link.

"Nothing's wrong sweety. It's just that... the color of your fur is... Different." Mom said as she went down to my level. "Different, but just as handsome."

Ilios let out a wolfish scoff which made her smile at me as dad and Lucas approached me as well.

I looked down to my paws to see what mom had meant when she said that my fur was different, and when I did I saw nothing but golden.

"What does this mean??" I asked myself. "Ilios?? Got any ideas?? Cause I've never seen any other golden wolf before."

"I don't know but I doubt that there's a reason. I mean, our brother and father's wolf fur is pitch black. Another rarity in our kind as well as mom and our sister have white fur. Maybe our family is just lucky to inherit rare fur colors??" My wolf said.

"Don't think about it too much son. Now, Lucas. Why don't you shift as well and go on a run with your brother?? You're older, so make sure that the both of you stay safe especially since it's his first time shifting." My brother nodded his head before gesturing me to follow him towards the woods. Leaving the rest of our family at the packhouse.

"You know now that you can shift, other than racing our motorcycles we can race to see who's faster in our wolf forms." Lucas suggestively said. Giving me a smirk before taking off his clothes and placing them inside some bushes.

It didn't take long for him to shift into his pitch black wolf, and as I was busy looking at my surroundings, I felt him pounce on me. Initiating a play fight which we've always done since we were pups but of course we were play fighting in human form then.

So with that, my night was spent running around and spending time with my older brother which that itself was great.

End of flash back

Walking down the stairs, I could already hear the others having breakfast in the kitchen which made me wonder why mom didn't send Ellie up to my room to wake me up.

"Morning baby." Mom smiled before giving me a warm kiss to my cheek which made me smile as well.

"Morning mom."

"So, how are you feeling there bud??" Dad asked as I took my seat beside my brother.

"Fine I guess. Just a bit sore from shifting."

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