Chapter 7 - Trouble's Arise (part 2)

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Jayden's POV

(Continuation of Flash Back)

"Now, like I said when we talked the last time, I can assure you safety and a home within my pack if you prove to us that you are indeed allies and have changed your dark ways." I said, looking at the three who didn't hesitate at giving me firm nods but still gave weary look at the number of Alphas in the room.

"Alright. Now tell them everything that you have told me." Looking back at the alphas, I released the authoritive aura that only Omegas poses above Alphas. "All may voice their questions and opinions, but none shall use their previous involvement with Marcus against them. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Let them prove themselves to us."

I saw them slightly bowing their heads in understanding and agreement which was good enough for me.

The three vampires still seemed a bit weary of them, but when they saw me give them an assuring nod it seemed to give them enough confidence to finally speak out.

"We know that it'll be hard for you all to believe us. That some, if not all of you will doubt the words we're going to say. And we understand. But I just hope that you'll all give us a chance to prove to you all that we regret ever fighting for the Vampire Lord. All I want to say is that after you defeated him, we managed to make a life for ourselves with the ones that we've always considered to be our source of a meal. That now, we've learned to live peacefully." A dark brown haired vampire started to say. Addressing everyone in the room who wearily listened to his words.

"My name is Roman. And this is Mary and Dale." He said, using his gestures to introduce each when he said their name."When Marcus fell, we along with many others of his former warriors banded together as we search for a new home and a safe place to stay since we knew that you would most likely try to track us down. So we opt for a place where not only be where it'd be hard for wolves to hunt us down in and a place where we could also have an ample amount of meals. The human cities." He said.

"For the first years, we've lurked in the shadows of their world. Hunting only when needed. And hiding when plane sight. But as years passed, we grew tired of hiding. We grew tired of wasting away in the darkness. So we tried to make a life for ourselves." With that, he turned to the other guy with black hair. The one he called Dale just a while ago. Silently telling him to continue.

Which he did.

"We knew that if we wanted to come out of the shadows, we needed to change. Change our perspectives. Change our old ways." He started. "We started denying ourselves of human blood and sought only that of the wild animals that roamed the woods. Once we were confident that we could control our thirst, we started mundane lives. Getting jobs. Mingling with the humans who were actually really nice company compared to other vampires sometimes. And at that, we started to think that the decision we made was the right one."

"Excuse me, but how is this relevant for us?? I thought you had a very important information to say. I am glad to hear thay you changed your ways, or so you say, but why don't you just say what you came here to say and be done with it??"

"ALPHA!!" I snapped. Making everyone in the room stiffen as I glared at the now shrunken wolf on his seat. And I was about to say something when...

"He's right." I turned to look at the female vampire, Mary, who gave out a slight bow. "Lets just tell them what had happened."

Looking at her two companions, they gave her a nod before she went to look back at us.

"Like what Dale said, we started living our lives with the humans. I however, lived with my beloved. Mark. He was the one who stood as our leader when we were in hiding. And he was everything that I wasn't. Headstrong. Brave." As I listened, I could hear the pain and anguish in her voice as she spoke about her beloved. And I couldn't help but pity her for I personally knew what it felt to lose my mate. And the pain that I felt was something that I wouldn't even wish for my enemies.

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