Chapter 57 - Guilt

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3rd person's POV

Back at Timberland High, as Cole and Mr. Anderson went on ahead to their respective cars, the brothers were heading towards Lucas' when he suddenly bumped into someone. Sending the person falling back against the hard, concrete ground.

Looking utterly surprise, Lucas immediately went on to apologize when he saw that he had bumped against an older woman who looked just about the same age as his mother."Oh Gods. I'm so sorry ma'am. I didn't mean to bumped into you. Are you alright??"

"Oh it's alright. It was my fault for not being careful." She said. Giving him an assuring smile to which he gave her a smile back.

"That's good." He said before looking back towards his brother when he heard him calling his name.

"Lucas, everything okay??" He asked as he curiously glanced at the woman ho had now gotten back up. "We gotta go."

"Your friend seems to be in a hurry." She mused with a chuckle.

"Yeah. He's my brother actually. We're going home cause something came up." The woman looked a bit surprised for a moment and slowly glanced back at the blond before turning back to the dark haired teen.

"I never would have known. He must've gotten his looks from your mother then." She said in thought. "Well I don't want to keep you from whatever it is that you and your brother are up to."

"Oh, uh... Yeah. Sorry again for bumping into you ma'am." He apologized.

"No worries. You two be safe now." She smiled again before walking off.

As she did, Lucas just couldn't help it as his eyes curiously followed the woman as she left. And if it wasn't for Xavier who called his name again, who knows how long he would've stared.

"Luke, what's taking you so long?? Did she say anything weird or something??" He asked him.

"No. It's just that...." He tried to think of a word to describe what he was feeling but in the end he just went to forget about it as he quickly caught up with Xavier. "C'mon. We gotta go."


Back with Scott and the others who were left at the school, they were currently at the nurses' office with Charlotte as she was being check on by a kind looking, older woman.

"Okay so you seem fine to me. Your blood pressure's okay. Within the normal range as well as your heartbeat." She said. " You told me that you got dizzy all of a sudden. What were you doing beforehand??"

Charlotte took a quick glance at the others before looking back at the nurse. Giving her a shrug before saying, "I was just waiting for my next class in our room. I don't know, I suddenly got dizzy when I got up from my seat to go to the restroom."

Nodding her head, the nurse went on to writing it down in her notes. "Did you eat anything during lunch period?? Cause if you didn't, that might explain your sudden dizziness."

"Yes, I ate lunch with my friends."

"Maybe it's because of something she ate." Aaron commented and was immediately elbowed by Ellie who also gave him a narrowed look.

"Well no worries. You can have a rest here in my office. I'll write you an excuse letter that you can pass to your teacher for missing your class." The nurse assured her. " By the mean time, don't the rest of you have classes to go to??"

"Uhm, yeah we do. But there's only a few minutes left before next period." Isabella reason.

"Alright, since you were the ones who helped bring your friend here I'll also write you all an excuse letter." Said the older woman. "So if you have nothing else to do till your next class, can you can keep your friend company while I take care of something important??"

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