Chapter 58 - Guardians' Initiative

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Aaron's POV

One thing that I can say after the others explained everything to Charlotte is that the nurse was really taking her time with whatever she was doing.

But I guess it's good cause it means that I get to skip another class, not that I was gonna remind the others that though since they were still busy with the queen bee.

I would enter their conversation every now and then but mostly I was just quiet since I had some thoughts in my mind that I couldn't get rid of.

Mainly that I wasn't really of help with the current situation that we were in.

Given that I still couldn't shift but I still would've wanted to help Lucas, Xavier and Chase with the dangerous plan that they would come up with.

I remember the stories that my mom used to tell me about my dad back in the day.

And no, not about the icky romantic stuff between them cause Gods that would've been traumatizing to say the least, but the stories about what he was like during the time of the war with the evil Vampire Lord.

He was I think fourteen or fifteen at the time with what mom told me but he's already accomplished so much in his early years.

He was already know at Bloodrose to be the best wielder of the dagger at that time as well as now. And even though he wasn't able to shift like me, he was still able to help during fights cause of his skills alone.

I know the basics of using daggers since he kind of keen on teaching me what he knew but I didn't really put that much effort in learning them since I didn't really think that I'd need to learn much about fighting.

Also, let's not forget what aunt Louren told us about. She said that dad even had to come face to face with uncle Jay himself when he lost control in his lycan form. So being his son, how can I possibly live up to that??

No normal fourteen or fifteen year old werewolves do those sort of things but he certainly did.

"Hey, you okay?? It's really not like you to be this quit." I turned only to see Ellie looking at me questioningly.

"Okay, I don't know if that was an insult or something but..."

"I'm just asking you what's wrong you dufus. You're usually the noisiest one in the group." So He said while rolling her eyes at me.

"Okay now I'm pretty sure that that was an insult."

"Just tell me what the freak's wrong before I wack your head in." She said in a very serious tone. Some might say that she was only kidding when she said that but let me tell you that she was nothing but serious.

"It's just that... I've been thinking." I told her.

"You?? Thinking?? I didn't know that you could do that." She said with a teasing smirk on her face which I replied to by rolling my eyes at her.

"I'm serious. With everything that's so going on, I'm really not much help to you guys. I mean, look at Scott. Not to be a judge here but he's human yet he's much more help that I am."

Ellie was quiet as she listened to me ranting out. And that's the thing that I really liked about her. There's a reason on why she and I were best friends. We were always there for each other when one of us needs someone to talk to.

We weren't blood related but we thought of each other as brother and sister even though she already had two older brothers.

"You know that that's not true." She said as the others were still busy with Charlotte. "You were the one that found the nemeton remember??"

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