Chapter 37 - The Aftemath

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Scott's POV

I was a bit doubtful if I should tell the others about what I was currently thinking about since I still wasn't sure if I was right.

But I kept playing that scene over and over again in my mind. The scene when those hunters first arrived a while ago. The scene when that shot had hit the wendigo's side which stopped it from killing me.

I was sure. I was definitely sure that that first shot had hit it on its side.

So why wasn't there a wound?? I only looked at its side by chance when I remembered. The wendigo that was currently struggling against those who were holding him on our way back to Lucas's pack.

It was wounded if the fight against Lucas, Xavier and Chase along with that hunter guy too since I saw some bullet wounds as well but that very first shot that one of those hunters took wasn't there.

Could it have been healed already?? I doubt that cause the wounds that it had right now are taking its time. So it couldn't have healed that fast.

There was another logical explanation though but like I said, I was doubtful if I should speak out. Especially now since things seem a bit tense between the brothers and their dad.

Their dad who I realized a while ago was another and more scary kind of werewolf!!!

God, I was super scared that we had to worry about fighting something else when we already had the wendigo to worry about.

Also, I got a text from my mom. She was asking where the hell I was since I wasn't at home when she got there so I told her that I had to go to a friend's house for a school assignment that I 'forgot' to tell her about. Talking about forgetting something, before we left Teros forest to go to their pack, I told Lucas about my car that was parked on the side of the road. He told me that he'll send for one fo their warriors to get it from me so I gave him my keys and made sure to tell him to also tell the warrior to be very careful with my car.

My car's my baby boo so don't judge me.

Anyways, we finally got to their very huge house, or packhouse as they call it, and Lucas's dad told his men to take the wendigo to their dungeons.

Dungeons which I didn't even know they had.

Chase was being taken to the doctor of their pack because of what had happened to him along with Lucas and Xavier so I was a bit weary when I walked into their house until I saw Aaron and the others waiting for us in their living room.

"Scott!!" Aaron and the others rushed towards me when I walked in. "What happened?? Where are the others??"

"Going to your pack doctor. We got the wendigo but they got pretty banged up. Especially Chase." I sighed.

"No wonder aunt Louren was crying when she rushed out of the packhouse with mom a while ago." Ellie responded with a hint of worry. Especially for her brothers I guessed.

"They're gonna be fine. I'm sure of it." I gave them small smile in assurance, but then it slowly faded. "But I think we might have another problem though."

"Great. Just when I thought that things were going to get better." I heard Bella droning out behind the two younger supernaturals.

"What's the problem??" Lucas's sister asked me. Ignoring her cousin's whine as she waited for me to answer. I on the other hand, was trying to think of where to start.

"I told you guys that we got the wendigo right?? And good news is that it's Francis." I said, only to realize that the last part I said sounded a bit wrong. "Wait, how is that good news again?? Francis was the wendigo."

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