Watering hole and the River

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Lily looked over and saw some three raptors chattering and roaring as they came across them. They must be on to something, as they run off. She looked further into the forest until they came across a nearby watering hole just below their direction. From the clearing, mammals and dinosaurs are hanging out by the water.

Buck: Blimey. Orson's gonna serve his raptors in all you can eat mammal buffet.

They all knew that they need to get everyone to safety. But how?

Zee: Okay, here's the plan. 

Buck :No time for a plan.

Buck swung through a vine to get to the watering hole. He didn't hear Zee's voice. She tried to stop him.

Zee: There's always time for a pla- Okay. He can't hear me anymore.


The watering hole seemed very lively. Some the dinosaurs and mammals are splashing in the water, and relaxing on the beach.  Buck suddenly appeared and told everyone what was gonna happen.

Buck: Everyone, we faced a grave threat.

Mammal: Are we out of fruity drinks again?

Buck: We've got to clear the area. File out in an orderly fashion, two by two, one by three, five by nine!

Suddenly, the raptors popped form the bushes. The mammals and dinosaurs folk scream and started to run away. Some of the dodos tried to fly but they can't. The raptors chase the mammals around the watering hole, driving them away. Buck started to help the others escape by knocking them down.

Buck: Go go go!

Buck started to help the mammals escape as he battled the raptors, kicking them and pinning them down. A few more hiss to surround the weasel. He begin to take out his knife.

Buck: It's time to get Buck Wild.

But then Zee knocks Buck out of the way. Lily went on her four feet and head over to the two mammals.

Buck: What did you do that for?

Zee: Look!

From above the hill, Orson rode on a raptor, an evil smile on his face.

Orson: Buck! Oh boy, do I have a surprise for you. Behold!

Then thousands of raptors march above hissing and snarling. Lily begins to step away from these monsters. 

Buck: He's done it. He's built an army. I'm gonna RSVP no to this party.

Zee: We need to get out of here.

With a mighty screech, the raptors plunge down the cliff. The others begin to retreat to the trees and hide.  As the pack went down, they searched for the five mammals and Lily.

Orson: I'm coming for you, Bucky. And you won't weasel your way out the next time. You can't protect the mammals forever, Buck. My new raptors army will eventually hunt you down.

Zee then returned her focus on Lily and the mammals.

Zee: Now were really need a plan. We'll never defeat Orson if you keep going all 'Buck Wild' without thinking first.

Eddie: The more important is what does Zee stand for.

Zee: Aw you're cute. Let's stay on track, shall we? We're completely outmatched. If we're gonna defeat Orson, we're gonna need some big time help.

Buck: Would you look at that? I agree with Zee. We do need help. And there's only one creature who can handle the job.

Accepting this, Buck and Zee jumped off the tree. Lily followed as Pip held on to her back.

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