The Eggs

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Silver sat on the tree this cold day. It seemed that after Diego left, while Sid went off finding a herd of his own. Surely, they guess that the baby would be born any day now.  Silver hung upside down, still thinking about her sabertooth friend.

"Hey sweetheart. How are you doing?" Ellie asked her who had seen the girl on the tree.

Silver looked at Ellie and then she sighed.

The female mammoth walked up to her.  "Look, I know you missed Diego but you'll see him again."

Silver nodded. 

"Of course, the baby would come any day now. Are you sure you are ready to meet it?"

Perking up, Silver nodded her head happily. 

"I'm glad to hear that."

Before Silver can say anything, an egg came flying right by. Someone must have lost it. Ellie sprung into action and caught it with her trunk. Silver stood up and saw Sid up at the high cliff. What is he doing up here? After a while, Ellie gives the egg back to Sid, who came all the way down to rechieve it. Silver looked over and saw that he has two more eggs with them, faces scrbbled all over the shell. 

"Ohh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" He thanked her before he glared at the egg. "Bad egg, rotten egg. A heart attack you almost gave me. Ohh, I'm sorry darling, it's just that I love you so much."

As Sid comforted the egg, Silver looked at the eggs and started to nibble on it with her teeth. The shell seemed hard to bite though.

"Hey Silver. Don't eat them. They're not food. Those are my kids," he told her.

Silver looked at Sid and then began to release her grip off the egg. She thought it was some sort of food there and thought the egg was bigger. The girl let out a whine of apology as she held the egg in her arms.

"It's fine, Sil. you didn't mean it on purpose." He then moved the egg to Manny and Ellie and added, "Now I want you to meet your uncle Manny and aunt Ellie. Hello! I'd like to present Eggbert, Shelly and Yoko."

Manny frowned at him. "Sid, whatever you're doing. It's a bad idea."

"Shh! My kids will hear you," Sid scolded, holding the eggs into his paws.

"They're not your kids, Sid. Take them back. You're not meant to be a parent."

Sid looks confused. "Why not?"

Manny  points to the eggs and Silver who is still thinking the eggs are food. "First sign: stealing someone else's eggs. Second sign: one of them almost became an omelet." Silver nodded her head. "And most of all, Silver thinks the eggs are food."

"Sid, someone must be worried sick looking for them," said Ellie.

"No, they were underground, in ice," the sloth explained. "If it wasn't for me they'd be... Egg sickles." Silver looked confused and mutters why he found them. "I found them near an icy underground cave."

Eggs underground alone? Why did somebody leave them like that? That was so sad for leaving those poor eggs in the cave. They needed a lot of warmth so the animal inside won't die.

"Sid, I know what you're going through. You're gonna have a family too someday," Manny told him. "You gonna meet a nice girl, with... with low standards, no real options, or sense of smell... "

Ellie stepped in. "What Manny means to say is..."

"No, I get it. I'll take them back," Sid assured, putting the eggs in a log bark. "You have your family and I'm better off alone. By myself. A fortress of solitude. In the ice, forever! A lone, lonely loner." And with it, he started to leave with the eggs.

"That's a lot of aloneness," murmured Manny.


"Sid, wait!" Ellie called up to him.

"No, no, it's okay," Manny assured his wife. "He'll bounce back. It's one of the advantages of being Sid."

Silver sighed. Those giant eggs are actually babies in there and they needed to be warmed up in a cozy nest. She sure wishes she could see them soon.

From beyond the hole where Sid had broken though that night, a unnatural roar echoed underground. A bad feeling that something big was coming.

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