Stranded in the ocean

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Silver and the others are moving farther away to the mainland. They tried to row back but it was no use. Silver tried to push the iceberg with her own hands and kicked her legs in the water.

"They need me!"cried Manny. "We gotta get back."

"Buddy, this thing's too big to turn," Diego told him, exhausted. "The current's pulling us out."

"You know, my mother once told me that bad news was just good news in disguise," Sid recalled.

"Was this before she abandoned you?" the saber asked.

"Yes, it was. But the point being that even though things look bad, there's a rainbow around every corner."

Meanwhile, Silver is strugglign to push teh iceberg but it was too strong. Finally, she gave up, panting as Pip went over to her side.  The women was breathing heavily, sweat pouring down andher dress soaked in water.

"Aw Silver. Don't give up," Sid comfortedher, pulling her up to onto the iceberg. "We'll get you home."

Climbing back up to her feet, Silver looked around tos ee that they are in the middle ov now where. No land, no island. just water all around them. 

"We're still heading away from home," sighed Manny.

"Yeah, but we survived and we still have each other," Sid nodded. "Things could be worse, right?"

"For once, he's actually right," said Diego. "We made it through storms and tidal waves and a vicious assortment of seafood. What more can they hit us with?" All of a sudden. a stick hits Diego. "What the...?"

"Dagnabbit, I'm trying to sleep!"

And out of the tree trunk was an old purple sloth hermit with wrinkled up skin and a cane held by her hand. Silver was surprised when she saw the newcomer. What is she doing there?

"Granny? You're alive!" Sid cheered.  "Silver, this is Granny. She's all I had left."

Silver looked at the old sloth. She hasn't seen Sid's family but at least she's meeting his grandmother.

"And can we say how thrilled we are to see you?" sighed Diego.

Silver stared at him before she can Granny is stuck in the tree. "Hey, fats, you want to get me out of here?" she asked. Manny began to wrap his trunk around Granny and pulled the purple sloth out, but she was so wedged in. "Hey, come on. Pretend I'm a dessert that should motivate you."

Again, the mammoth pulled her out completely, causing Granny to crash into Sid, as Silver covered her mouth in susprise. 

"I can't believe this," Manny exclaimed. "You slept through that earthquake."

But the old sloth scoffed in a sassy manner and started to walk away. "Nah. I slept through the comet that killed the unicorns."

Even though Silver tried to tell her that they're stranded, she fell into the water with a splash. Looking over, the herd can see the old sloth floating in the water as a oil spill slowly came out of her fur. "Thanks for drawing my bath, Sidney."

"Granny, grab my paw," cried Sid, reaching out his paw.

"No way. This is my first bath in decades."

"There's your proof," said Diego.

Sid turned to the others, completely freaking out. "Quick! Somebody do something!"

Manny grabbed him by the neck and throws Sid over to Granny. Silver then threw Pip, too. Splash! They came down into the water.

Sid resurfaced and tried to swim back with Granny around his arms  "I got you, Granny."

"Get off of me!"

Granny started whacking Sid with her stick. Pip tried to help but she gets whacked instead. Silver then pulled the two sloths and Pip out of the water. At least, they're okay, but Pip was shivering like a chihuahua from a bath.

"What are you peeping toms all looking at?" she scolded at Manny ad Diego. "A lady can't take a bath in peace? Eyeballing me like a rump roast." She began to leave as Silver watched.

"What's the life expectancy for a female sloth?" Diego asked.

"She'll outlive us all, you know that, right?" Manny guessed. "Yeah, the spiteful ones live the longest.

The mammals continued on moving away from the moving wall. Peaches walked along the road near the road. She was thinking of her father since she shouted at him a few hours back. All of a sudden...


Louis shoved her back just as a large landslide crash though in front of them.

"You okay?" he asked her.

Peaches let out a sigh. "I'm just so worried about my dad."

"Listen, we're going to get to him," Louis told her. "At this pace, we'll stay ahead of the wall and we'll make it to the land bridge before you know it. We're all going to survive this."

Crash and Eddie came by walking and laughing when they fell into the opening that the landslide they created. They screamed as they fell. Luckily, they are caught by a dangling tree branch.

"Okay, maybe they won't. But everyone else, totally fine."


Silver sighed since Manny screamed out how long the ocean scretched for hours. There is no water to drink and the water is too salty and there is no green food left.

Sid slid to the edge of the iceberg on his back, completely  dehydrated. "Water, water, everywhere Nor any drop to drink."

Meanwhile, Granny is looking for someone. "Precious! Mommy's calling you. Precious! Come here, sweetie. Hey, lady, have you seen Precious?" she asked Silver.

Silver shook her head no.

"She's my pet. You'll meet her."

"If you mean the imaginary, or perhaps deceased, pet...that you keep searching for, no, I haven't," Diego said in annoyence.

Silver somehow wasn't sure how long they'll be floating. The sun is scorching hot and theyll die out there. Suddenly, she heard something. Looking up, Manny saw a seagul flying above their heads. 

"Guys, look," he called to the others. "Where there's birds, there's land, right?"

"Hey, buddy, come here," Diego called out, trying to get its attention.

Instead, the bird was flying away and into a thick fog. Silver waved her arms up to get its attention.

"No, wait, wait! Come back. Come back!" the mammoth cried out.

But the bird disappeared into the fog and just like that it was gone. Diego took a look at the deep fog within the ocean. He could have sworn that there was a massive shape coming toward them and to Silver, she realized something is wrong.

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