Vulture Territory

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The early morning made Silver feel her skin burn by the sun's hot rays, even though she didn't know that it was morning already. The wet water swayed in the ground as it touched her feet, soaking the skin by the liquid.

"Water? Water!"

Silver heard Diego yell. He jumped into the air and woke Manny. He yelped as he began onto the tree. Ellie and the possums fell into the water. Silver woke up as a droplet fell on her nose. Sitting up, she looked and saw Crash and Eddie on a huge puddle.  

"Crash, I told you not to drink before bed," Eddie moaned.

"I didn't do this. At least, not all of it," Crash insisted.

Getting back up to her feet, Silver looked around and saw that the forest was flooding a little, teh dirt and the grass were soaked up as if a giant iceberg melted and formed a puddle. Finally it makes sense to her. They're running out of time.

"What's happening?" Ellie asked.

"We overslept," Manny answered. "We need to move."

Eddie started to feel scared as Silver carried the two pussoms up to her arms. "What if we're the last creatures left alive? We'll have to repopulate the Earth."

"How?" Crash asked. " Everyone's either a dude or our sister."

Silver knew there is no time to stay here, and told them that they had to hurry on.  That was when Sid arrived, yawning running his eyes. Looking over, Silver saw that Sid must have went off before they woke up.

"Hi. Hey, Manny," Sid yawned. "Wow. What a night. You'll never guess what happened to me."

"I'm glad Manny here didn't say you were sleepwalking," Diego answered.

Sid shook his head. "Oh, no, no, no. I was kidnapped by a tribe of mini sloths."

Mini sloths? Silver thought. What are mini sloths?

"That was gonna be my second guess."

"And they worshiped me," the sloth explained. "I mean, sure, they tossed me into a flaming tar pit, but they worshiped me."

"Sid, you were dreaming," Manny reminded him, annoyed/ "Come on, the water's rising faster than we're moving.

"I'm telling you, I was kidnapped. I was worshiped." None of them didn't answer as they walked on the path.  "Guys. Fine."

After walking along their way, Silver and the mammals begin to travel in the Condor territory. The empty trees and rock were quite cold. Cliffs hang up towering the group from above. It was dangerous that any mammals could be eaten.

"Can we slow down a little?" Sid asked, panting. "I'm dying here. It was just a figure of speech."

Silver looked around as the condor vultures stared at them hungrily. Silver hated those birds. Deadly carnivores with black feathered bodies and naked and white feathered heads, eyes gleaming at them. They kill innocent animals and prey on everything. She wanted to kill them.

"They just sit there, watching us," Manny  whispered.

"I wish I knew what they were thinking," Sid wondered.

Silver knew why those vultures were staring at them. They were thinking on eating them. She urged the others to keep moving. The vultures try to attack them but Silver defends them with her spear and stabbing the vultures though with her tip. The others cross logs, and got past the cliffs. One of the vultures tried to swoop down at the possum brothers but Silver knocked them out. Now they thought about why the vultures are staring at them. Those vultures are thinking of food.

"There. Now you know what they were thinking," said Manny.

Silver urged the others to hurry up as she continued her way to shoo away the condors. Yet, even though as a predator, she hunts wild birds.

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