Traveling though the Arctic

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And so, the group continued on their way. Silver felt the snow fall on her head. The snow is like a tundra. On their way, they had to pass many obstacles. Sid stopped to rest since he was tired. "Come on, come on. Can you wait a second, please? Hey Fellas. Phew! Thanks for waiting."

Manny and Diego knew what was coming up next. "Three, two, one..."

Just like that, a geyser Sid was sitting on squirts of water up in the air.

"Sure is faithful," said Manny.

"Couldn't agree more," Diego agreed.

The group kept going on their walk. They stopped upon seeing a geyser blow out a red colored amount of steam. Before they could do something, they saw a huge glacier rolling past them. It was like a glacier train. After the glacier rolled by, the geyser blew out a green colored amount of steam. Confused, but not worried, the group continued on.

They traveled past a giant slab of ice that went down onto a cliff as a result of the group's weight. But the slab went back up like a seesaw, causing Sid, the only member left, to fly back where he came.

Later on, Silver picked up some useful Items like a branch, she started making it into a spear just in case. And sometimes told her animal friends to skate around the frozen pond for fun. The group walked past a monument that looked a lot like Stonehenge.

"Modern architecture. It'll never last."

Silver and the others continue on the path. It seems their travel gets tricky by the moment. On their way, they only found a single sabertooth squirrel.

"You're lost, aren't ya?" Manny asked Diego.

"No. I know exactly where I'm going." Diego assured him.

"Ask him for directions."

"I don't need directions!"

"Fine, I'll ask him," Manny decided as he went to the squirrel. "Hey, buddy! Have you seen any humans come around here?"

The squirrel begins to think for a moment and holds up three fingers.

"Oh, I love this game!" Sid beamed. "I love it! Let's see... three words. First word. Uh, stomp. No, no! Stamp, stamp, stamp!"

"Let me try. Uh... pack!" Manny guessed.

The squirrel nodded and pretended to be a saber tooth.

"Good one, Manny!" Sid said brightly. "Pack of... long teeth and claws. Pack of... wolves, pack of...?"

The sabertooth pointed at Diego, meaning pack of tigers.

"Pack of bears? Pack of fleas!?"

"Pack of whiskers? Pack of... noses?"


"Pack of lies, pack of troubles, pack of wallop...?!"

Diego flicks the squirrel into the mountain slope. Silver sighed. She guessed they had to move on.

As for the group, they continued their journey in search of the humans. Sid, once again acting mischievous, put Roshan on a rock and picked up a snowball. He threw it to Manfred, who got irritated and swiftly turned around. This time however, Roshan pointed towards Sid. Sid got nervous, worried of what Manfred might do, before seeing a snowball fall from the sky. It landed right on him, burying most of his body in snow. Roshan laughed at Sid's misfortune while Manfred, while irritated with Sid again, couldn't help but give a slight smile. Silver wanted to have a snow fight too but it would have to wait. However, this adventure was not without serious cold problems. A blizzard hit them and they were shivering. But they kept on going, unwilling to stop.

Further into the journey, Diego walked a distance from the group, looking for where to travel next. But as he reached a snowy hill, he spotted the human tribe, not far away. Surprised to see them there, Diego turned back and saw Manfred approaching. Diego looked around, trying to find a way to lead them away from the humans. He spotted a dark cave nearby and thought of a plan.

"Hey! Great news. I found a shortcut," Diego called out.

"What do you mean, shortcut?" Manny asked, thinking that Diego was tricking them as Silver walked past.

"I mean faster than the long way around."

"I know what a shortcut is."

"Look, either we slip through there and beat the humans to Glacier Pass," the sabertooth replied, "or we take the long way and miss them."

"Through there?" the mammoth asked. "What do you take me for?"

"This time tomorrow, you could be a free mammoth. Or a nanny. I never get tired of peekaboo."

Nearby, Sid is using two icicles and pretends to be impaled. "Hey, guys, guys, check this out."

"Sid, the tiger found a shortcut," Manny informed him, looking over to the cave.

Sid looked at the cave. "No thanks. I choose life."

"Then I suggest you take the shortcut," Diego insisted.

"Are you threatening me?"

"Move, sloth!"

The ground crumbled as the ice shelf above them started to break. Silver stepped back, looking frightened.

"Way to go, tiger," Sid blamed him.

"Quick, inside!" Manny called.

Everyone got inside the cave until the icy chunks blocked inside. Silver shivered as the icicles tingle.

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