Raptor Territory

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As the day wore on, Silver, Pip and the others continued on their way into the jungle. There aren't any more predators just waiting to ambush. Suddenly, Buck froze.

"Everybody stop! I smell something."

Silver tipped her head. A scent. Buck found a piece of fur and picked it up with his knife. "It smells like a buzzard's butt fell off. And then got sprayed on by a bunch of skunks," he murmured.

"That's Sid," Diego answered.

Once it was made clear, Buck turned to the herd. "Mammals, Human, we have ourselves a crime scene. A tuft of fur. Half eaten carcass! Hunk of..." He pulled out the broken broccoli that Mama Dino threw Sid in the lake. "Oh, no! Broccoli!"

As he covered his mouth, Silver picked up the wet vegetable. It is still on the wet side but still fresh.

"Here's what I think happened," Buck described. "Dinosaur attacked Sid, Sid fought back with piece of broccoli. Leaving dinosaur, a vegetable."

"Are you nuts?" Diego inquired.  "Sid's not violent, or co-Ordinated."

Manny noded his head. "Yeah, and where's the dinosaur?"

"Alright, alright. Good point," Buck replied as he continued on the investigation. "Theory two: Sid's eating broccoli. Dinosaur eats Sid. Dinosaur steps on broccoli. Leaving broccoli, a vegetable."

"Buck, when exactly did you lose your mind?" Manny asked him.

"Umm... Three months ago. I woke up one morning married to a pineapple. An UGLY pineapple. But I loved her. What do you think, Silver?"

Silver begins to have a third theory and started to use body language.  The babies refused to eat the veggies while Mama threw Sid into the pond with the broccoli. Then Mama brought back the meat the babies had eaten. And then Silver finally concludes that Sid is still alive.

"You think Sid is alive, right?" Buck asked her.

Silver nodded her head yes.

"Uh, Buck, I think you missed a little clue over here." Diego called out who is ahead of the group.

The others walked over to the side and saw a huge landscape of gray rocks and cliffs.

"Your friend might be alive but not for long. Rudy's closing in," said Buck.


"You got it. The Plates of Woe... or whatever's left of them."

Everyone begins their journey toward the Plates of Woe. The weight on the rock seemed strong enough for them to get though. Silver didn't want to fall down there, because this place was full of dangerous raptors.

"Single file everyone. Head for Lava Falls," Buck ordered

Silver stayed close to Buck as she and the others trailed on, but she was taking notice of Ellie falling behind.  Rocks clatter and fall to the ground from nearby cliffs while the wind blew over her ears.

"What's that sound?" Crash asked, startled.

"It's the wind. It's speaking to us," Buck reminded him.

"What's it saying?" Eddie asked anxiously.

"I don't know. I don't speak wind."

Silver didn't why but she was sure that someone is watching them from below. Ellie suddenly stopped for a split second and groaned in pain, shutting her eyes tightly. The human girl turned her head around and saw that she had a contraction. She did learn that her own mother is about to have Roshan when she was younger and now it's happening to Ellie.

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